Thought for Friday (+ Spanish, French, German, Italian) retranslations welcome
"You can tell if a pet is traumatized by their owner even when the owner treats it well when others are around. A well treated pet exudes comfort and self confidence. Similarly, living beings could never misbehave producing non virtuous actions if they are not neurotically confused. Human beings, who have more choices and intelligence, need to be healed into becoming capable of receiving proper care. A careful Buddhist practitioner facilitates and co-operates in their own healing to become capable to receive the proper care offered by the Buddhas" ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche~~~ "Usted puede decir si un animal está traumatizada por su propietario, aun cuando el dueño lo trata bien cuando otros están cerca. Un buen trato mascota destila comodidad y confianza en uno mismo. Del mismo modo, los seres vivos nunca se portan mal no producir acciones perjudiciales si no son neuróticamente confundido. Los seres humanos, que tienen más opciones y la inteligencia, la necesidad de ser curad...