
Showing posts from September 4, 2016

What Your Family Owes to You and other Buddhist musings.....

The specialized awakening referred to in Buddhism is to higher common sense, exalted fairness and repair of distorted views of oneself and others. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~ "Die besondere Form des Erwachens, auf die sich der Buddhismus bezieht, ist das Erwachen zu einem höheren gesunden Menschenverstand, zu außergewöhnlicher Fairness und zur Heilung verzerrter Sichtweisen von uns selbst und von anderen." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche -- Learning how to get along with others is the far reaching evolutionary life lesson. It's not demanding that the world make you happy or give you your fair share of love. It is about getting along with others.  If you even believe that your family owes you something, you will not become a good candidate for dharma. You are too tame. Family issues will keep you away from more important, yet see mingly esoteric and less valuable goals such as attaining enlightenment. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~ "Es ist die weitreichende evolutionäre Lebenslektio...