Vibrant Prayers
What is our connection with the outcome of our prayers? If we are not vibrantly motivated with a goal, we are just praying in a circle. "I am praying because prayer is good, and prayer is good, and that is why I pray, and so prayer is good, and I am praying it, and good." We might have an admiration of prayer, but if it does not penetrate the mind, it is ineffective. However, prayer often has a lulling and soothing quality, causing that person to feel better, and as though something has happened when in fact nothing has happened. It is like cold mashed potatoes to achieve a result. Prayer is exciting and highly energizing, but we need a relationship with the outcome of prayer. There are elements to careful prayer to make it effective. One is invocation. If there is no higher power request or invocation to please be present, then we have no relationship to the outcome of prayer. DGR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Wie sieht unsere Verbindung mit dem Ergebnis unserer Gebete a...