
Showing posts from November 28, 2010

Prayer Heals the Relationship with Your Inner Being

Prayer is a kind of detente between the ordinary person and the inner being/soul/actual being. Infusing meaning to traditional prayers energizes the relationship between inner and outer beings in a wholesome manner. That in turn, allows inner being to meaningfully relate to Buddha/God/Allah in accordance to its capabi lity for inner joy. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Gebet ist eine Art Entspannungszustand zwischen der gewöhnlichen Person und innerem Wesen/Seele/eigentlichem Wesen. Wenn man traditionelle Gebete mit Bedeutung durchtränkt energetisiert sich die Beziehung zwischen innerem und äußerem Wesen auf heilsame Art. Dies erlaubt wiederum dem inneren Wesen eine bedeutungsvolle Beziehung zu Buddha/Gott/Allah, die in Übereinstimmung mit seinem Potential für innere Freude ist." Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---

Invisible Inner Mind, Personal Retreat at the Hermitage

There are levels of your own mind over which you do not have control; your own inner minds are completely invisible because of the innate view that holds living beings to samsaric fascination. Confidence in the esoteric wisdom of the ancients has diminished by the masses, and only the new art of psychology discusses t...he subconscious mind as a well of unknown, unseen influences. Even the subconscious mind, easily accessed using technique, but not willpower, is unknown to the daily mind. The more interior minds, more inner minds, are completely inaccessible; closed until deeper development is accomplished. Yet, inner minds are constantly influencing your outer behavior. As a practitioner of inner development in reliance on inner mentor, some of your inner minds are struggling with new dynamics. You are expected to encourage and facilitate the important and transformative changes that need to happen. This is dharma! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Es gibt Ebenen Deines eigenen Geists üb...

A Visualized Yogi Topknot

In my just previous life, I wore the usual monastic short hair. Eventually, I became a natural monk, meaning a fellow who begins losing his hair. I was a practitioner of Heruka, and in my self-perception, there was a matted Heruka top knot. I never wore the yogic outside; too conservative, a scion of Gelug conserv atism, which made it unthinkable to wear the hair in a yogis topknot. However, in my new life, I act according to the extensive monastic training I still hold properly, while other trainings are present from many lives as a Heruka practitioner. But you know, my visualized topknot in my before never had hairs that fall into the eyes, and catch in the sides of the mouth. A visualized topknot actually is very easy to care for. Yesterday, I took a bath, washed my long hair,and tried to comb out the matted knots. We never had that problem with what was visualized. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "In meinem vorigen Leben trug ich das für...

Life Eternal of the Yogis

Life Eternal is a Tantric yogic level of great accomplishment. However, there is more, there is more, there is more! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Das Ewige Leben ist eine Ebene großer Vollendung im tantrischen Yoga. Es gibt jedoch noch mehr, es gibt noch mehr, es gibt noch mehr!" - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---" We have become wrongly imprisoned in ordinary mind and body. Since deciding that we wish to be free, we sought initiation and introduction to liberating deity by the lama. We do this in order to heal from samsaric confusion; whole, free, and fit to become a member of enlightened society.~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Wir wurden irrigerweise im gewöhnlichen Geist und Körper gefangen. Seit wir entschieden haben, dass wir frei sein wollen, haben wir uns um Einweihung und Hinführung zur befreienden Gottheit durch den Lama bemüht. Wir tun dies, um von samsarischer Verwirrung geheilt zu werden; heil, frei und geeignet dafür, ein Mitglied der ...

Je Tsongkapa Day: Free Podcast

In honor of Je Tsongkhapa Day today, please enjoy this free podcast: "Je Tsongkhapa, King of Dharma." Domo Geshe Rinpoche gives the history of Je Tsongkapa and the relationship with his Inner Guru, Manjushri. With reliance on his Inner Guru, he purified the traditional teachings from error that crept in over the years. He removed the confusions and distortions to arrive at the correct view.

What are Buddhist Lay Vows?

The five lay vows are Pratimoksha vows of upasika (female)and upasaka (male) that support ethical values. Any Buddhist refuge vow holder can receive them, except monastic ordained. The vows are non-killing, non-stealing, non-lying, sexual loyalty, and avoidance of intoxicants (often the last vow is optional). The more vows taken and held, the more merit accrues. However, these vows are for the individual for himself or herself and should never be used proudly to criticize or blame others. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Die fünf Laiengelübde sind die Pratimokshagelübde (Upasika für Frauen und Upasaka für Männer), die zur Unterstützung ethischer Werte dienen. Mit der Ausnahme von ordinierten Mönchen und Nonnen kann sie jeder erhalten, der buddhistische Zufluchtsgelübde abgelegt hat. Die Gelübde beinhalten Nicht-Töten, Nicht-Stehlen, Nicht-Lügen, Sexuelle Loyalität und Vermeidung von berauschenden Substanzen (letzteres ist oft optional). Je mehr Ge...

Free Podcast: Illusion and Reality, and other musings

Just in time for the holiday season, "Illusion & Reality." The minimum standard for enlightenment is energetically knowing that this world is not what it appears to be; that it is illusory. This truth seeking missile can be deflected by delusions that cloud the outer and inner senses or by filters such as anger. There is a certain aliveness that is connected to the possibility of discovering yourself in your energy system Photo is from 2001, the first summer retreat. When the hearts of mankind and hearts of the gods unite, the earth will be flooded with light. When the hearts of mankind and the heart of the Buddha unite, the vast will implode in bliss! ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ""Wenn sich die Herzen der Menschheit und die Herzen der Götter verei...nen wird die Erde von Licht überflutet werden. Wenn sich die Herzen der Menschheit und das Herz des Buddhas vereinen wird das Unendliche in...

Going for Refuge out of Compassion

Most Buddhists practitioners, after considered but still superficial analysis, choose refuge based on compassion rather than refuge as safety or refuge as faith. Because going for refuge out of a personal sense of compassion for others is said to be the highest form of refuge, they want their refuge to be rooted in t he compassion that they wish to demonstrate toward others. The wish to go for refuge to the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha is deliberately chosen so that compassion will be the highest quality compassion, commensurate with their own values. Good thinking? Not really. This is like a fat Santa trying to get down the chimney to steal something. A fake, fat Santa trying to jump down the chimney, but is stuck! We cannot take refuge like it was a prize sitting under the tree; these are qualities we wish to possess, not the basis of refuge. Refuge out of compassion cannot work until we have overcome our main issues. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~...