Real Wisdom
Real wisdom can be present in someone who is uneducated. In Tibet there were many wisdom holders who could not even write their own name; that is because actual wisdom is different from education. Deep wisdom is not dependent on being the most clever and wittiest, or have the highest intelligence. Having said that, Tibetan school c hildren recite the mantra and short prayer to Manjushri before taking a test to help them get a good grade; they are asking the Buddha of Wisdom to assist them. The practice of Manjushri continues to be emphasized during later educational studies, particularly during higher studies toward a geshe religious degree. The higher studies are actually in the Tantric system, another kind of yogic education/transformation, so we refer to those as the higher trainings so this would be a lower form of higher trainings and studies. However, real wisdom is neither tantric, nor educational, but an awakened response from valid source to the needs of li...