
Showing posts from March 6, 2011

Real Wisdom

Real wisdom can be present in someone who is uneducated. In Tibet there were many wisdom holders who could not even write their own name; that is because actual wisdom is different from education. Deep wisdom is not dependent on being the most clever and wittiest, or have the highest intelligence. Having said that, Tibetan school c hildren recite the mantra and short prayer to Manjushri before taking a test to help them get a good grade; they are asking the Buddha of Wisdom to assist them. The practice of Manjushri continues to be emphasized during later educational studies, particularly during higher studies toward a geshe religious degree. The higher studies are actually in the Tantric system, another kind of yogic education/transformation, so we refer to those as the higher trainings so this would be a lower form of higher trainings and studies. However, real wisdom is neither tantric, nor educational, but an awakened response from valid source to the needs of li...

Retirement and Reincarnation as a Female

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has now decided to step away from the political. I am happy that he will soon have time for other important activities, if he follows through by actually retiring. Beyond his personal needs, the idea has come up quite often that His Holiness will consider next reincarnating in a female form. Sadly, in the past, a lama reborn as a female would be considered a shameful and useless rebirth and the auspicious signs ignored. There are now, and in the future will be more male lineage rinpoches choosing rebirth without regard to gender. Some might feel that this is an issue of equal rights, however this is not an issue of equality, although that is important. This is a strength issue of another kind. There is also an issue of commitment, as many women want their full attention to go toward their families more than the larger commitment needed. This is beyond the actual selection process, which happens interior and not by the blessings of the Tibeta...

A Fresh Start for Tibet!

A FRESH START FOR TIBET!! We stand in solidarity with many others, caring about the future of Tibet and wishing to see a fresh start with Tibetan self rule. Over a great length of time, Tibetans have found a better way to manage their own affairs by exposure to democracy and should be allowed to do exactly that. Today notes the 52nd year since uprising day, but the oppression began many decades earlier. Release Tibet from oppression! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ""EIN NEUBEGINN FÜR TIBET Wir erklären uns soldiarisch mit vielen anderen, die sich für die Zukunft von Tibet einsetzen und einen Neubeginn unter tibetischer Selbstherrschaft sehen möchten. Seit geraumer Zeit haben die Tibeter einen besseren Weg gefunden, um unter dem Einfluss der Demokratie ihr Leben selbst zu bestimmen, und man sollte ihnen genau das erlauben. Heute ist der 52. Jahrestag des Aufstands, aber die Unterdrückung begann viele Jahrzehnte früher. Befreit Tibet von der Unterdrückung!" - Domo Geshe Rinpoche...

Gangloma, Praise to the Buddha of Wisdom

Gangloma, in praise of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom. “With the brilliance of your wisdom, O compassionate one, illuminate the dense gloom enclosing my mind. Enlighten my intelligence and wisdom so that I may gain insight into Buddha’s words and the sacred texts that explain them.” In traditional meditations, sadhanas, praises and p rayers assist the mind to gain realizations of the magnificence of interior spiritual being and especially deity. Over time we will slowly develop, not just respect, but a profound respect by thinking about and then deeply understanding the nature of praise and honor of the buddhas and bodhisattvas. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ""Gangloma, ein Lobpreis auf Manjushri, den Buddha der Weisheit. 'Oh, Mitfühlender, möge der strahlende Schein Deiner Weisheit die dichte Finsternis, die meinen Geist umgibt, erhellen. Erleuchte meine Intelligenz, meine Weisheit, damit ich Einsichten in die Worte des Buddhas erhalte und in die heiligen Te...

Sarcasm and the Superior Mind

Sarcasm holds and expresses a secret unacknowledged superiority. It is a form of anger meant to hurt others and to raise oneself to the level of an authority by belittling others. The psychological root might come from feeling both unappreciated as well as superior. Sarcasm is done in a way that holds the perpetrator immune from critic ism, as they can refuse to be blamed because it is a form of humor. Sarcasm also trains the victimized inner being of the perpetrator to be harsh and critical, making the behavior addictive and reinforced. To begin to heal from many years of practicing sarcasm we can change our thinking strategies through Buddhist and other spiritual practice. To have even a little admiration of loving kindness means that sarcasm is unacceptable! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Im Sarkasmus ist eine heimliche, uneingestandene Überlegenheit enthalten und zum Ausdruck gebracht. Das ist eine Art Ärger, die andere verletzen soll und durch die man sich selbst zur ...

Getting Used to English as a First Language!

Because of the unique way I arrived, by transference rather than birth, there are challenges. One of them is gaining proficiency in language as I was a Tibetan speaker with non-native English. Working diligently at increasing the vocabulary, I am enthusiastic to uncover words by giving meaning a suitable expression rather than studying English. Todays find is "typical". For example, "Today is a typical day, an atypical day might go very differently". ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Da ich mithilfe einer einzigartigen Methode hier ankam (durch Transferenz des Bewusstseins, anstelle von Geburt) gibt es dadurch Herausforderungen. Eine von ihnen ist es, fließend Englisch zu lernen, da ich vorher Tibetisch sprach und nicht muttersprachliches Englisch. Ich arbeite fleißig am Ausbau meines Vokabulars und es begeistert mich, Wörter zu entdecken, indem ich Inhalten angemessenen Ausdruck verleihe, anstatt einfach Englisch zu lernen. Heute habe ich das Wort 'typical' en...

Take a Spring Retreat at the Hermitage

openings for private or semi private retreat available in March, here at the Hermitage... you looking a bit peaked... time for retreat. Contact Ngawang Khandro for details. April is full but May is a possibility (if you can wait that long!) Depends on the person... luck, happiness, suffering, good times or bad times. According to the inner life of the individual, the same circumstances might produce very different results...