A New View of Buddhism: Transcendent Psychology
Transcendent psychology: I feel this term is most representative of the way I approach teaching about awakening within and never contradicting the Buddhist path. It includes sharing new attitudes that we will need to have in order to flourish in the bodhisattva community of saints in the future as well as reminding us to discard what is no longer needed. I feel that what is being offered is an inner based view of the evolutionary process, rather than seeing the improvement of the human condition as a major goal.This is dharma. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ Transzendente Psychologie: Ich glaube dieser Ausdruck beschreibt meinen Lehransatz zum inneren Erwachen, ohne dabei je dem buddhistischen Pfad zu widersprechen, am besten. Dies beinhaltet das Teilen neuer innerer Haltungen, die wir einnehmen müssen, um in der Zukunft innerhalb der Gemeinschaft der Bodhisattvas gut zu gedeihen, und es erinnert uns außerdem daran, das abzulegen, was wir nicht länger brauchen. Ich glau...