How an 80 year old Buddhist Finally Found Peace of Mind
My 80 year old student came to see me one day, very upset, “Rinpoche, my 87 year old husband is ill. He’s so crabby I can’t stand him anymore but I am the only one to take care of him. It’s just the two of us, and he makes me crazy! I want to become enlightened, but all the time, he is calling for me, ringing his damn bell. What do I do?” I had to consider this for a while. She cried that s he did not have any free time, only care giving, and she was quite elderly and frail herself. She told me sincerely, “I want to help all sentient beings, all living beings, but he takes up all of my time, and he treats me so bad.” I told her, “Serve him his breakfast tomorrow morning as usual, but as you hand him the bowl think to yourself ‘I am serving this food to this one individual, but in reality and in my heart of hearts, may this be magnified so that food is set before every living being. I do not do it only for him. I am doing it for him, but I am also feeding every...