
Showing posts from November 15, 2009

Thought for Friday ( + Spanish, French, German, Italian ) retranslations welcome!

For Thanksgiving "Spiritual thankfulness is related to a certain kind of love. The dynamic interaction between you, your activities, and abilities has already created your own personal methods of interacting with the world. Your personality will always need the nourishment of genuine thankfulness in order to balance and become the person that you always hoped you were inside" ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ from teaching Remembering Thankfulness "La gratitud espiritual está relacionada con una cierta clase del amor. La interacción dinámica entre ti, tus actividades, y capacidades ha creado ya tus propios métodos personales de relacionarse con el mundo. Tu personalidad siempre necesitará el alimento de la gratitud genuina a fin de equilibrar y se hace la persona que siempre esperabas que fueras dentro" ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "La reco...

How Much Do We Need to Study Buddhism?

"It is not necessary to study everything in Buddhism to become enlightened. It is actually only necessary to study and meditate upon what you need to know to make your very next breakthrough. There are things that you know very well. However, you don’t know what you don’t know. You might be the kind of person who reads everything you can find on reincarnation because it is interesting and develop quite a good understanding about reincarnation. Another person might choose to pursue studies and practices to understand the nature of compassionate activity in the world" ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Es ist nicht nötig, den ganzen Buddhismus zu studieren, um die Erleuchtung zu erlangen. Es ist sogar nur nötig, darüber zu meditieren und das zu studieren, was man braucht, um die nächste Stufe zu erklimmen. Manche Sachen weisst Du sehr gut. Aber Du weisst nicht, was Du nicht weisst. Vielleicht bist Du die Art Person, die alles über Wiedergeburt liest, was sie finden kann, weil es in...

Nightmares, What is the Cause?

"Some people suffer or complain about bad dreams, but you cannot heal your dreams. Instead, we need to address daily life because ordinary dreams are simply reflections of disturbed daytime activity. However, for serious meditators, dreams could be a reflection of deep inner activity, dreaming that he or she is attending teachings or performing acts of compassion. It depends upon whether someone is meditating strongly or not" ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Algunas personas sufren o se quejan de pesadillas, pero no puedes curar tus sueños. En cambio, tenemos que dirigirnos a la vida diaria porque los sueños ordinarios son simplemente reflexiones de la actividad de día desequilibrada. Sin embargo, para meditators serio, los sueños podrían ser una reflexión de la actividad interior profunda, soñando que él o ella asistan a enseñanzas o realicen actos de la compasión. Esto depende de si alguien medita fuertemente o no" ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Certaines personnes sou...

When Suffering is Intolerable!

When suffering becomes too strong, we think, "Enough is enough!” and move to correct the suffering/non-suffering ratio to the best of our ability. At least we partially fix it so suffering is somewhat reduced. Since it is the suffering that bothers us, strategies numbers one, two, and three of blaming, controlling, and escaping seem to be the best way to push it back to a more manageable condition. The problem with these strategies, according to Shantideva and many others, including myself, who are interested in freedom issues, is that you are just as attached to what you hate as what you love! ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ¡" cuándo el sufrimiento se hace demasiado fuerte, pensamos, "Bastante es bastante!” y muévete a correcto la proporción suffering/non-suffering a la mejor de nuestra capacidad. Al menos parcialmente lo fijamos el así sufrimiento es algo reducido. Ya que es el sufrimiento que nos molesta, estrategias el número uno, dos, y tres de inculpación, control, y pa...

The Light of the Tantras

We always want to remain where the light of the tantras is shining in our world. Just like nighttime with no moon, in a dry and desolate desert, if a bright light were shining down we would try to remain in that light. I remained in Tibet for a very long time, and still feel that, in today's world, Tibetan Buddhism is the closest representation, in other words, the bright shining light, of the Tantras that describe reality. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ Das Licht der Tantras Wir möchten immer dort bleiben, wo das Licht der Tantras in unsere Welt scheint. Wenn in einer dunklen, mondlosen Nacht in einer trockenen, verlassene...n Wüste plötzlich ein helles Licht hinunterleuchtete würden wir versuchen, in diesem Licht zu bleiben. Ich verweilte lange Zeit in Tibet und glaube immer noch, dass in der heutigen Welt der tibetische Buddhismus den Tantras die die Wirklichkeit beschreiben am nächsten kommt, mit anderen Worten, dass er das hell leuchtende Licht ist.Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~

Thought for Sunday ( + Spanish, French, German, Italian ) retranslations welcome!

"Some people might be thinking about going away for a tantric retreat and initiation sometime. It is so nice to go away for a spiritual weekend, sit in a nice rocking chair with a beautiful view out the window. Just sit and relax, bring a book that you wanted to read for a long time. You rock for a couple days and just blow away all the stress. This is not a tantric retreat" ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Algunas personas podrían pensar en marcharse para una marcha atrás de tantric e iniciación algún día. Es tan agradable marcharse durante un fin de semana espiritual, sentar en una mecedora agradable con una vista hermosa la ventana. Sólo siéntate y relaja, trae un libro que quisiste leer mucho tiempo. Te meces durante unos días de pareja y sólo te llevas toda la tensión. Esto no es una marcha atrás de tantric" ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Certaines personnes pourraient penser partant pour une retraite de tantric et une initiation autrefois. Il est si gentil de parti...