Thought for Thursday on Thankfulness Mind (share in Eng,Sp,Fr,Ger,It)
Gratitude is experiencing an internal and subjective object, whereas thankfulness has an external object. Thankfulness cannot be experienced as an emotion devoid of an object. The skills we may lack to genuinely generate both of these valuable states of mine will require us to move away from self-centered attitudes to make special effort to thank those responsible for our sense of well-being that brings us happiness. Many feel that it is a sign of personal failing to thank others for what they have done for them, instead retreating from the opportunity to say how they feel. Some might think that by thanking others, opening the heart to experience thankfulness and gratitude for how kind others have been, is a sign that they are weaker than others. The reality is quite the opposite! The most successful in this world have overcome their fears and are openly grateful and thankful to others in ways that are an inspiration for others to achieve greatness themselves. It is a big step in learn...