
Showing posts from September 12, 2010

The Hermitage ... Album

The Hermitage- many events, retreats as well as my personal house is here. We are out in the countryside in Wisconsin. Consecrated land dedicated for Buddhist activities and meditation

Refuge and Responsibility

“In order to obtain perfect enlightenment, I vow from now on to go for refuge to the guru and three precious gems and not abandon sentient beings. I will practice the six perfections.” The next part of the refuge vow presents the challenge, “I vow from now on.” That means “I.” For most people, the most important word is “I.” The next most important word is ‘Me.” And the third most important word is “Mine.” We use this number one important word here; “I” means personal responsibility. This states, “I am responsible for my own progress. I am responsible for my destiny. I take responsibility for the errors I have made in the past, and I take responsibility for purifying the errors which I have made.” ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "" 'Um die vollkommene Erleuchtung zu erlangen, gelobe ich von nun an bis zur Erleuchtung Zuflucht zum Guru und den drei Juwelen zu nehmen und fühlende Lebewesen nicht im Stich zu lassen. Ich werde die sechs Vollkommenheiten praktizieren.' Der nächs...

Lama mumblings.....

"Getting enlightenment" is like the recipe for making tiger soup! ~DGR ~~~ " 'Die Erleuchtung erlangen' ist wie ein Rezept, um Tigersuppe zu machen!" - DGR ---" Attentive to the deep connection without demands; this is real Buddhist refuge ~DGR ~~~

The Ear Whispered Teaching

The highest ear whispered teaching is an empowered inner and outer command ... "You are not the one you think you are". ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Die höchste ins Ohr geflüsterte Unterweisung ist ein ermächtigter innerer und äußerer Befehl ... 'Du bist nicht, wer Du zu sein glaubst'." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche - ... --

Cultivating New Attitudes free Podcast

Please tune into the latest podcast- Cultivating New Attitudes. Domo Geshe Rinpoche Teachings - Download free podcast episodes by Domo Geshe Rinpoche on iTunes. Download or subscribe to free podcast episodes from Domo Geshe Rinpoche Teachings by Domo Geshe Rinpoche on iTunes.

A Room of My Own

Going to do a book reading/signing in Madison Wisconsin at A Room of My Own. Sep 19th Sunday 2PM. I hope we have some left as the first edition is almost sold out. Mystery of Emptiness & Love and Red Lotus Buddhist Wisdom.. Shades of Reality in English and German coming along but not ready yet. Perhaps we will see you there. Will also be giving a teaching on Individual and Group Karma " Three fluid and changeable views of reality that we rarely question: personal, peer and the emerging historical view." ~DGR ~~~

Perfection Permeates All Realms

Perfection permeates all realms but is unseen and inaccessible. The veils and barriers to it become solidified over time and require special circumstances and dedication to dissolve. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Vollkommenheit durchdringt alle Bereiche, aber sie ist unsichtbar und unzugänglich. Die Schleier ... und Barrieren um sie verhärten sich mit der Zeit und es bedarf besonderer Umstände und Hingabe, um sie aufzulösen." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche

The Great Tibetan Carpet Disaster

The great Tibetan carpet disaster. In the 80's there was so much demand for Tibetan carpets, every Tibetan who could afford it started a tiny carpet factory. In my just before life, I also invested in a start up carpet business. I sent two monks to Nepal to start carpet business, but it never made any money because it had already peaked. You would think I would have checked better, but that was the "gold rush fever" of that time... hee hee. Eventually, there were so many making carpet, good weavers were not available and many used younger workers to meet the demand. It is not uncommon anywhere in the Orient for children to work to help the family, but when the world export market knew this, the carpet business crashed. Purchasing a license as an adult only carpet making was prohibitively expensive and so many lost both investment and livelihood. Many small enterprises that invited relatives from Tibet to come make carpet and live in safety, could no longer do that. Also,...

Don't Settle for Just Being a Good Person!

The teachings of Buddhism will help you get off the merry-go-round of inappropriate expectations followed by disappointment. This is the task of guided development. Many have settled on being a good person as the goal of life. Since you are already a good human being, it might be difficult to remember that you don’t belong here and have dawdled too long in the human realm. This isn’t your true home. Your true home is perfection. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ ""Die Lehren des Buddhismus werden Dir helfen vom Karrussell unangemessener Erwartungen, gefolgt von Enttäuschung, abzusteigen. Darin besteht die Aufgabe der Entwicklung unter Führung. Viele haben sich dafür entschieden, dass es ihr Lebensziel ist, ein guter Mensch zu sein. Da Du bereits ein gutes menschliches Wesen bist fällt es Dir vielleicht schwer, Dich daran zu erinnern, dass Du nicht hierher gehörst und Du schon zu lange im menschlichen Bereich herumgetrödelt hast. Dies ist nicht Dein wahres Zuhause. Dein wahres Zuhause...

Buddhas of Light photo album

We train ourselves in meditation to visualize the Buddhas and deities as translucent, not solid. This is the sambhogakaya realm DGR~~~~~ "Wir üben uns in Meditation, um die Buddhas und Gottheiten als durchscheinend und nicht als fest zu visualisieren. Dies ist der Sambhogkayabereich." DGR

Understanding Higher Being

Understanding higher being is so easy when the obstacles to that understanding are gone. After that, you require the explanations. This is how Buddhist Tantric purification and training are done. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ""Es ist so leicht das höhere Sein zu verstehen, wenn die Hindernisse für das Verständnis ... verschwunden sind. Danach benötigst Du die Erklärungen. So funktionieren buddhistische tantrische Reinigung und Training." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---"

Grand Transitions Conscious End-of-Life Training Program video

You Don't Have a Choice, You Must Become Enlightened!

The problem of making important change and transformation does not go away, because we actually do not have a choice whether we are going to become enlightened or not. We must move on, because this world is not our true home. To become comfortable as a human being, able to manipulate the world to meet our expectations , does not make us special. It makes us lazy in a different way. Therefore, even if we become wildly successful, and people come to adore, we still have not done what we were supposed to do. Instead, we have settled for something that is worldly; short lived, ultimately painful and illusory. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Das Problem, dass wir wichtige Veränderungen und Transformationen bewirken müssen, wird nicht verschwinden, denn wir haben tatsächlich keine Wahl, ob wir erleuchtet werden oder nicht. Wir müssen weitergehen, denn diese Welt ist nicht unser wahres Zuhause. Wenn wir uns als menschliches Wesen wohlfühlen, w...

Twelve People Who Wanted the Truth

Twelve people were waiting for an answer to lifes dilemma. Six left because they were not sure why they were there, having forgotten their momentary enthusiasm to know the truth. Four fell asleep. The remaining two kept each other awake, alternately using debate and encouragement toward each other. When the time came,... these two young women set aside their weapons and armor and entered a hall so brightly lit, they were engulfed by the light. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~~ ""Zwölf Leute warteten auf eine Antwort auf das Dilemma des Lebens. Sechs von ihnen gingen weg, weil ihnen nicht klar war, warum sie da waren und sie ihre augenblickliche Begeisterung für das Erkennen der Wahrheit vergessen hatten. Vier schliefen ein. Die verbleibenden zwei hielten sich gegenseitig wach, indem sie abwechselnd debattierten und sich gegenseitig ermutigten. Als die Zeit gekommen war, legten diese beiden jungen Frauen ihre Waffen und Rüstungen beiseite und betraten einen Saal, der so hell erleuc...

Be Your Own Teacher

“In order to obtain perfect enlightenment, I vow from now on to go for refuge to the guru and three precious gems and not abandon sentient beings. I will practice the six perfections.” When listening and watching our own behavior carefully, we shouldn't do it like a hungry tiger, ready to leap and tear ourself apart! ... Not like that. Can you remember when you were younger, you had a schoolteacher who made you learn? We must act like that; being a kind, but firm teacher to our own mind. In that way, we can actually accomplish the first words of refuge, “In order to.” That means, “So that I can.” Repeat refuge many times, while using it as a personal teaching guide. You might find, while repeating it, that it is coming from your heart and goes to your brain. Then it comes out your mouth, into your ear,and back into your heart. Then, you are thinking about Buddhist refuge correctly. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Um die vollkommene Erleuchtung zu erlangen gel...

What is the Difference Between Work and Play?

Work is what we do whether we like it or not, but no one can make us play! If the play is a sport or other fun activity, but the mental attitude of enjoyment is not there, then it is work. Play is a delicate balance of states of mind. Even in the midst of playing, if that disappears, then we are not having fun any more... and need to quit. That is why it is good to view spiritual development as work, otherwise we only meditate when it is enjoyable or fun. When we have no endurance because of a lack of commitment to the real work of change, it is only done for fun, like a roller-coaster or watching a TV show. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Arbeiten ist das was wir tun, egal ob wir es wollen oder nicht - aber niemand kann uns zum Spielen zwingen! Egal ob das Spiel aus Sport oder Spaß besteht: wenn die geistige Einstellung der Freude fehlt, dann ist es Arbeit. Spiel ist ein empfindliches Ausbalancieren von Geisteszuständen. Wenn das verschwindet haben wir auch keinen Spaß mehr und ...

Why Are We Compassionate?

We are compassionate because it is the social lubricant, the healing balm and the most powerful force in the universe! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ""Wir sind mitfühlend, weil das ein soziales Schmiermittel ist, der heilende Balsam und die mächtigste Kraft im Universum!" - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---"

The Unplowed Harvest Offering in the Mandala

In the traditional tantric Buddhist mandala offering there is an offering of the "unplowed harvest". Research has determined that in ancient days this was corn, a wild crop. Imagine a perfect world without struggle for food, an abundance to be shared by all. That is part of the visualization of the mandala offering, ou r attempt to create a pure land generated by mind alone. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ""Bei der traditionellen buddhistischen Mandaladarbringung gibt es eine Darbringung der 'ungepflügten Ernte'. Nachforschungen haben ergeben, dass dies in früheren Zeiten ein wild wachsendes Getreide war. Stell Dir eine Welt vor, auf der es keinen Kampf um Nahrung gibt, sondern Überfluss, der von allen geteilt wird. Dies ist ein Teil der Visualisation des Mandaladarbringung - unser Versuch einen reinen Bereich allein mit Hilfe des Geists zu schaffen." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---"

Awakening from a Spiritual Coma

Awakening to higher being comes in stages. Like someone awakening from a coma, they will gradually sense what is going on around them. In a similar way, the spiritually awakening one will gradually become aware of a larger sphere of influence that is unseen and unfelt in the human realm. This accounts for almost all of unusual "phenomena" experienced in meditation. Now we must be careful, because there is karma there also! Let's not develop a new form of poor karma! If you don't know what you are doing, don't fascinate and push psychically. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ""Das Erwachen zum höheren Sein geschieht stufenweise. Wie jemand der aus dem Koma erwacht und schrittweise spürt, was um ihn herum passiert. Auf ähnliche Weise wird der spirituell Erwachende sich schrittweise eines größeren Einflussbereichs bewusst, der im menschlichen Bereich unsichtbar ist und nicht gefühlt wird. Dies ist für beinahe alle ungewöhnlichen 'Phänomene' verantwortlic...


FAILURE- We might call failure, not getting what we want. When we have been given a responsibility that we cannot complete, that is a different kind of failure. However, when we just give up because of anger, depression or cynicism, we have failed due to negativity, and in that way, given the obstacles success. A wise person can tell the difference! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ""VERSAGEN- Vielleicht nennen wir es Versagen, wenn wir nicht bekommen, was wir wollen. Es ist eine andere Art von Versagen, wenn man uns eine Verantwortung übertragen hat, die wir nicht erfüllen können. Wenn wir allerdings nur aus Ärger, Depression oder Zynismus aufgeben, dann haben wir aus Negativität versagt und auf diese Weise den Hindernissen Erfolg verliehen. Ein weiser Mensch kennt diese Unterschiede!" - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---"

Absolutely Nothing is Never or Always...

Absolutely nothing is never or always...... let's get rid of these two damaging words. They are the culprits responsible for blaming and shaming as well as inflicting harm with unrealistic expectations. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ""Absolut nichts ist 'niemals' oder 'immer'.... lasst uns diese beiden schädlichen Wörter abschaffen. Sie sind verantwortlich für Schuld und Schande und verursachen Leid durch das Wecken unrealistischer Erwartungen." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---"