
Showing posts from September 26, 2010

We Don't Need to Be Bombarded About Ultimate Reality

Teachings and descriptions regarding the ultimate nature of reality are not the most important information we need in the preparation for awakening process. Studying how the mind works, vows of behavior and increasing compassion are extremely valuable to overcome obstacles and gain needed receptivity toward the enlightened state. However, it would be a serious error in these studies to assume an ultimate state based on a logical accumulation of principles which are designed for a preliminary purification and overcoming attachments. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ ""Unterweisungen und Beschreibungen, die die letztendliche Natur der Wirklichkeit betreffen, sind nicht die wichtigsten Informationen, die wir zur Vorbereitung auf den Prozess des Erwachens benötigen. Es ist äußerst wertvoll zu studieren wie der Geist funktioniert, Gelübde für ein bestimmtes Verhalten abzulegen und das Mitgefühl zu vergrößern, um Hindernisse zu überwinden und die benötigte Empfänglichkeit für den erleuchte...

Impatience and How Things Should Be!

A very real cause of our impatience happens because we are not experiencing “how things should be.” Sometimes, an upbringing as an only child might have created additional challenges with impatience because many times, only children get their way. However, only child or not, it is a normal human attitude to expect ot hers to obey us, (preferably unquestioningly!) If they don’t, there will be an energetic response. If we were less mature or less cultivated, we would be unable to prevent ourselves from being “angry.” Isn’t that so? If we were slightly more cultivated, perhaps even a spiritual person or a meditator, we would be “irritated,” but since we are so very, very cultivated – we are only “impatient”! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ""Eine sehr konkrete Ursache unserer Ungeduld ist, dass wir den Eindruck haben, dass 'die Dinge nicht so sind, wie sie sein sollten'. Manchmal kann es was Ungeduld betrifft zusätzliche Herausforderun...

A Tibetan Story - Turtle Killers

A Tibetan story about a certain place where a river ran near a settlement. The people there caught and ate turtles, a big surprise to other Tibetans who believe that water creatures are among the most sensitive of all living beings. Even a touch is painful for fish for example. It is said that those turtle fishers become the turtles after death and then again became the fishers. A suffering trap for these living beings.... human and animal. It is hunting season here in the Midwest..... ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Eine tibetische Geschichte über einen gewissen Ort, wo ein Fluss in der Nähe einer Ansiedlung verlief. Dort fingen und aßen die Menschen Schildkröten, was für andere Tibeter sehr überraschend war, da sie glauben, dass Wasserkreaturen mit am empfindlichsten von allen lebenden Wesen sind. Z. B. ist für einen Fisch selbst eine Berührung schon schmerzhaft. Man sagt, dass diese Schildkrötenfischer nach ihrem Tod zu Schildkröten werden und dann wieder zu Fischern. Eine Falle des...

An Independent Nature... Success or Suffering?

As a result of being forced to make many choices too early, children can become over stimulated and learn positive associations with feelings of separation from their family before it is safe enough for them to be on their own. A sign of completion of this, is when the young person no longer wishes to have anything to do with their family, because their choices take them into further separation. As an adult, choices you might have already made during your own childhood might mean that you have deliberately cultivated more differences than similarities with others choices. Individuality becomes the goal rather than being an expression of unique qualities. Major problems encountered later, could be a lack of trust of others, unresolved issues of security or aggressively held personal views. Buddhism needs new methods to help overcome these disabling suffering attitudes so prevalent in Western modern culture. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ ""Kinder, die gezwungen werden, zu viele Ent...

The Senses Can See What is Not There

The senses change what appears before us. Even if we struggle intellectually by understanding that its appearance is not how it actually exists, we are still compelled to see the illusory appearance. ~DGR ~~~ ""Die Sinne verändern das, was vor uns erscheint. Selbst wenn wir auf intellektuelle Weise damit kä mpfen, indem wir begreifen, dass es nicht so erscheint, wie es wirklich existiert, sind wir doch dazu gezwungen, den illusorischen Anschein wahrzunehmen." -DGR---"

The Realm of Sound Only

The level of reality that is only sound is the place of deep inspiration for great composers. The reproduction of that extraordinary sphere, which is so moving and enjoyable is only an approximation of the true music. For those who love music so much, gain first hand knowledge of the tonal nature and resonance of inner beauty. This can only come with the transformation of your inner being... the real experiencer now interacting with higher being. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ Die Ebene der Wirklichkeit, die nur aus Klang besteht, ist der Ort der tiefen Inspiration für große Komponisten. Die Wiedergabe dieser außergewöhnlichen Sphäre, die so bewegend ist und so viel Freude macht, ist nur eine Annäherung an die wahre Musik. Wenn Du jemand bist, der die Musik so sehr liebt, dann verschaffe Dir direktes Wissen über die tonale Natur und Resonanz der inneren Schönheit. Dies kann nur durch die Transformation Deines inneren Wesens geschehen... der wahre Erlebende befindet sich nun im Austausch mit...

Beyond the Hypnotic Prison

To arrive at the state beyond the hypnotic prison of the innate view, which holds us to the suffering self made illusory web, one enters a state without foundation. Is this meant to help us dissolve the dualism of ourselves as separate from each other? Not at all! Everything is swept away, including all of the huggy "togetherness" feelings we might have been craving as the ultimate goal of spiritual searching. However, after this refreshing release, there is more! All of life opens! Returning to body awareness and mental jugglings, the unprepared perceptions feel only amazement and a stirring inside so great that it is called great love! Upon this genuine amazement is built many world religions, and rightly so! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Man geht in einen Zustand ohne Grundlage ein, wenn man im Zustand jenseits des hypnotischen Gefängnisses der angeborenen Sichtweise ankommt, welcher uns im leidvollen, selbst erzeugten, illusorischen Netz festhält. Soll uns dies dabei hel...

The River of Now

Past and future is a paradigm of time that does not actually have a natural now. The skillful use of the past helps us with memory of previous experiences to assist us in making better decisions. The skillful use of the future compels us to plan and anticipate with enthusiasm, uninfected by debilitating worry. It becomes all suffering when past and future become the slave masters instead of the real tools they are meant to be. Away from the paradigm shift of perceiving past and future as solidified, is a heart based life rhythm that only experiences a flow of now.... This is your life force and inner life in tune and balanced. Everything can only happen now. The River of Now! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ Vergangenheit und Zukunft sind ein Paradigma der Zeit, die gerade kein natürliches Jetzt besitzt. Der geschickte Gebrauch der Vergangenheit hilft uns durch Erinnerungen an vergangene Ereignisse bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen. Die geschickte Anwendung der Zukunft lässt uns...

Psychoanalysis for the Extremely Healthy

We use the penetrating logical tool of psychoanalysis to understand the problems plaguing others in order to help them get well. What if we psychoanalyzed someone to ascertain his or her extraordinary qualities so that we could become well? Let's begin with Buddha Shakyamuni! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ""Wir ... benützen das durchdringende logische Werkzeug der Psychoanalyse, um die Probleme zu verstehen, die andere quälen, damit wir ihnen helfen können gesund zu werden. Wie wäre es, wenn wir jemanden analysierten, um seine oder ihre außergewöhnlichen Qualitäten festzustellen, damit wir gesund werden können. Lasst uns mit Buddha Shakyamuni beginnen!" - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---"

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Its Probable Cause

Perhaps some cases of post traumatic stress disorder are due to a shock and shift of the natural veil that must remain stable between the conscious and unconscious mind. Shock would bring the subconscious forward, but unable to endure the life of an ordinary human being will cause it to be emotional, jumpy, have visions (of its natural place), stress and other symptoms. Therapies that acknowledge the shift in position might calm them enough to be able to assume their more interior proper location. Trying to acclimate the inner being to outer life probably will not help them. Reassurance that this is a temporary situation might also help. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Vielleicht sind einige Fälle von posttraumatischem Stresssymptom auf einen Schock und ein sich Verschieben des natürlichen Schleiers zurückzuführen, der zwischen bewusstem und unbewusstem Geist intakt bleiben muss. Ein Schock würde das Unterbewusstsein nach vorne bringen, aber da es nicht in der Lage ist, das Leben eine...