The Three Jewels of Buddhism
The Buddhist objects of refuge are in some way similar to the Catholic Holy Trinity. Perhaps we also have a kind of Holy Trinity called the three jewels. These precious gems are the Buddha, the dharma and the sangha. The value of a dynamic between three elements is because three balances itself. Like a table or chair with three legs, it sits well on any surface. Like that, the three jewels, the Bu ddha, dharma and sangha can adapt and remain perfectly balanced. They have adapted to any cultural surface. They have even adapted within the context of modern American society. In the future, because of a natural balance, others will continue to find value in the three jewels in whatever world they might live in. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ************* “Die buddhistischen Objekte der Zufluchtnahme ähneln auf gewisse Weise der katholischen heiligen Dreifaltigkeit. Vielleicht haben wir auch eine Art heilige Dreifaltigkeit, die man die drei Juwelen nennt. Diese kostbaren Juwelen sind Buddha,...