
Showing posts from July 18, 2010

Do Blessings Last from Previous Lives?

Some years ago, but in this new life, I was in Kalimpong, India with a group of my students on pilgrimage and retreat in Nepal. I was in a shop and the shop owner wanted to show me a precious photo of the 8th Domo Geshe that his family kept on their altar. While I was waiting, seated at one side, an old Tibetan monk came into the shop but did not see me. I looked at him and was delighted to see that although we had not met in this life, nor in the life of my previous, I saw that the great 7th Domo Geshe, Ngawang Kalsang had blessed his previous. That blessing was so strong, it transcended the passing of his previous life! I explained this tonight to some students here and one said it must be like a microchip! I laughed; yes, like a spiritual microchip indeed! ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ""Vor einigen Jahren (aber schon in diesem neuen Leben) fuhr ich mit einer Gruppe Schüler auf Pilgerreise und Retreat nach Nepal und wir waren in Kalimpong, Indien. Ich war in ei...

Dreams are Influential to Our Wellbeing

Dreams are influential to our well being. We can pray to experience being with our teachers, the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, during dreams that might actually happen. In any case, whether Buddhist experiences come or not, our minds are gradually changed. We continue to be attracted to higher values such as wishing to be with enlightened beings. In the morning, we might feel a strong energy in the heart center due to our wish that made us dear to the enlightened ones, receiving their blessings! That strong and sweet energy is carried throughout the day, and for some, it lasts much longer. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche "Träume beeinflussen unser Wohlbefinden. Wir können dafür beten, in unseren Träumen mit unseren Lehrern, den Buddhas und Bodhisattvas zusammen zu sein und das kann wirklich passieren. Aber egal ob wir buddhistische Erlebnisse haben oder nicht - unser Geist verändert sich nach und nach. Wir fühlen uns weiter zu höheren Werten hingezogen, wie zu dem Wunsch mit erleuchteten Wesen z...

Thought for Friday on the Maliciously Confused (read in Eng, Ger,Por)

The actions of the confused and deluded are often filled with deliberate malice causing myriad kinds of unhappiness and suffering in others. If we feel that pure and careful people deserve to become enlightened, then how much more important it is for bad people to become enlightened. Only then will they stop harming o thers. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche „Die Handlungen der Verwirrten und Verblendeten sind oft voll von absichtlicher Bosheit, was anderen unendlich viel Unglück und Leid zufügt. Wenn wir glauben, dass reine und bedachtsame Menschen es verdienen erleuchtet zu werden, wie viel wichtiger ist es dann erst, dass schlechte Menschen erleuchtet werden. Denn erst dann werden sie damit aufhören, andere zu verletzen.“ – Domo Geshe Rinpoche "As ações dos confusos e delirantes são frequentemente cheias de maldade deliberada causando miríades de tipos de infelicidade e sofrimento aos outros. Se você se sente puro e cuidadoso as pessoas merecem se tornar iluminadas, então...

How Much Does Understanding Cost?

Understanding comes at a price, we must give up our present position! Our earliest attempts to learn in school were gained by giving up innocence. For those on the spiritual path, the great transformation of enlightenment will awaken us to true reality. We must give up our attraction to suffering, gaining transcende nt innocence. Then, we are ready to learn in a new way. This is the path of a bodhisattva. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche "Verständnis hat seinen Preis: wir müssen unsere augenblickliche Einstellung aufgeben! Unsere ersten Lernversuche in der Schule bedeuteten, dass wir unsere Unschuld aufgaben. Wenn wir auf dem spirituellen Pfad sind, wird uns die große Transformation der Erleuchtung zur wahren Realität erwecken. Wir müssen es aufgeben, vom Leiden fasziniert zu sein, um transzendente Unschuld zu erlangen. Dann sind wir bereit, auf neue Art zu lernen. Dies ist der Pfad des Bodhisattvas." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---

Do It Easily!

Gain competence by confidence. Gain confidence by competence ... ~DGR ~~~

Emptiness is Nothing Special

Emptiness is nothing special. Some say it is a special nothing. Others say it is nothing at all. Still others declare that certain configurations of the moon and planets will result in special holidays that will be more auspicious to realize emptiness..... Hahahaha ... looking at it wrong... ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche "Leerheit ist nichts besonderes. Manche sagen, dass sie ein besonderes Nichts sei. Anderes sagen sie sei überhaupt nichts. Und wieder andere behaupten, dass es bei bestimmten Konstellationen des Monds und der Planeten zu besonderen Feiertagen käme, an denen die Chancen besser stünden, die Leerheit zu erkennen..... Hahahaha ... falsch betrachtet ... "- Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---

What Kind of Buddhist are You?

Social Buddhism, Cultural Buddhism, Personal Journey Buddhism, or Traditional Practitioner Buddhism... what type are you? In my opinion, social Buddhism is like pop culture, a bit of Buddhism incorporated here and there to keep up with friends who discuss psychology based ideas. Cultural Buddhism - many who are raised Buddhist (usually from Eastern countries) have an innate confidence in Buddhism like inculcated family values others receive in early childhood. Eastern teachers often have sorrow that those who were not raised in Buddhist families have a disadvantage by having to mechanically add Buddhism to their value system and is not energetically present. On the other hand, just like those who complain that they do not get enough from their Christian roots, often the cultural Buddhist  does not continue to evolve and does not delve into Buddhism as a personal path of awakening. Their practice remains immature, with a faith that is uncultivated. P...

Melting the Delusions

Ice will definitely turn to water, with the right conditions. Skill is using that natural process to the best advantage. Like that, the mental solidification producing the confusions called delusions and suffering will begin to melt in correct practice. We can become pleased with the feelings associated with inner change and the melting of ordinary mind instead of fearing cultivated change. The energy freed up by that process can be applied to new growth, bringing us closer to awakening or enlightenment! ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ""Unter den richtigen Bedingungen wird Eis auf jeden Fall zu Wasser. Mit Geschicklichkeit wird dieser natürliche Vorgang auf vorteilhafteste Weise genutzt. Und so werden die geistigen Verhärtungen, welche Verwirrung (auch Täuschung und Leiden genannt) hervorrufen, mit der richtigen Praxis zu schmelzen beginnen. Anstatt herbeigeführten Wandel zu fürchten können wir uns über die Gefühle freuen, die man mit innerem Wandel assoziiert und über das Schmelzen d...

From Simplicity to Sweat: a Guided Journey

Simplicity is a guiding principle, organization is the structure, actually doing the work is the activity, peaceful mind is the result and sweat is the metabolic detritus of the process. ~ DGR ""Einfachheit ist ein leitendes Prinzip, Organisation ist die Struktur, das eigentliche Tun der Arbeit ist ... die Handlung, ein friedvoller Geist ist das Ergebnis und Schweiß ist das metabolische Überbleibsel des Prozesses." - DGR---

Useless Skills

Do not become wrongly tamed by accepting this defective world as the final location of your development by honing useless worldly skills. Your true home is in perfection. Please do not halt your Great Journey by acquiescing to small minded thinking that will result in future suffering lives. That would be a terrible th ing to do to someone whom you will never meet -- but will become! ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ""Lass Dich nicht auf falsche Art zähmen indem Du diese defekte Welt als endgültigen Ort Deiner Entwicklung akzeptierst, wo Du nutzlose weltliche Fertigkeiten vervollkommnest. Deine wahre Heimat liegt in der Vollkommenheit. Bitte unterbreche Deine Große Reise nicht indem Du engstirniges Denken hinnimmst, dass in zukünftigen Leben voller Leiden resultieren wird. Es wäre furchtbar, das jemand anzutun, den Du nie treffen wirst -- aber der Du werden wirst!" - Domo Geshe Rinpoche --- Não fique erroneamente domado, aceitando este mundo defeit...