
Showing posts from April 28, 2013

Self and Others, Two Sides of a Coin

Experiencing healing love and compassion will slowly relax the barriers that have been struggling to hold inner anger away from outer awareness so much so that the person doesn't even know that it exists. This subconscious struggle has an exhausting effect on the emotional life without any apparent cause. Eventually, healing love/compassion will permeate and completely melt inner aggression, a dra matic transformation on the path of preparation for awakening. Meditation practices such as Green Tara, Chenrezig or a transformative compassion practice such as the Green Light meditation will facilitate this important change. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Wenn man heilende Liebe und Mitgefühl erfährt werden sich die Schranken langsam auflösen, welche verzweifelt versucht haben, den inneren Ärger so sehr vom äußeren Bewusstsein fernzuhalten, dass die Person nicht einmal spürte, dass er existiert. Dieser unbewusste Kampf hat eine erschöpfende Wirkung auf das Gefühlsleben ohne erkennb...

Buddhism as Good as Chocolate

With a consistent high quality meditation practice, eventually the mind will reorganize itself more efficiently. It becomes capable of functioning as an inner guru, free to act based upon what it knows to be right from wrong. However, inner guidance from enlightened source is beyond the (still) self referent but higher quality mind as inner guru. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Durch eine regelmäßige,  hochqualitative Meditationspraxis wird sich der Geist schließlich auf effizientere Weise neu organisieren. Er wird dazu fähig, als innerer Guru zu fungieren und frei auf der Basis dessen was richtig oder falsch ist handeln. Innere Führung aus erleuchteter Quelle liegt jedoch noch jenseits des (immernoch) auf sich selbst bezogenen Geists von höherer Qualität als innerer Guru." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche --- Student: I’m puzzled about the actual being as the one reborn in a different form. I was born into a certain family with that whole history and genetics. Some people like doing ...

Dwelling on Dharma

Because their society is still is under duress, some Tibetans still hold tightly to a proprietary right to disseminate Tibetan Buddhism. When I arrived in America back in ‘74, (in my just previous life), I also wasn’t ready to hear that Tibetan Buddhism was not the ultimate spirituality and remained somewhat rigid. However, as co-emergent expressions of the eternal religion, we must acknowledge t hat other religions are not inferior to Tibetan Buddhism. In my present attitude, all authentic religions that hold to transcendence as the goal are valid, a view that is certainly held by the present Dalai Lama as he interacts with other spiritual traditions. The wisdom and compassion of the eternal religion, alive and vibrant beyond names and forms, produced unique tantric meditations as remedies for specific problems that are needed in many places beyond the cultural borders of Tibet. It is important for Tibetans out in the world to understand that it’s not the concern of those close mind...