
Showing posts from June 27, 2010

Leaving Fear Behind

Overcoming fear heals and returns us to psychological wellness so that we can lead a happy life, but it is not easy to begin. Some people, who have been living in self-imposed fear, are quite old before they discover they have been living life “small.” Others will continue to suffer, denying that it is personal fear that has held them away from happiness,  believing instead that their anxiety is caused by a lack of appreciation from others. Others will try to heal by seeing their fear as a psychological wound, but this causes them to become unable to trust.  When we are experiencing fear, we can become shaken by nearly anything: relationship difficulties, money problems, aging, concern about the possibility of dying, or deeper existential dilemmas such as fear of falling to even more suffering states in future lives. Buddhist refuge acts as an antidote to overcome fear embedded in the mind, which is making it unsuitable for experiencing joy and higher thinkin...

Buddhism for Everyone!

Buddhism is not just for the intellectual elite, as it has become in the West! The redeeming feature of the grace of the Buddha makes us feel safe and fortunate while lifting the mind from ordinary thinking! Buddhism can bring inspiration for children to grow up instilled with strong spiritual values laced with encouragement to make effort, while teaching respect for parents, teachers and all living beings including animals. Strong techniques which psychiatry and psychology are using, such as responsibility and caring for others are based in Mahayana compassion, changing people’s lives that have become damaged and twisted. These are all part of what is disseminated in Buddhism as well. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ""Buddhismus für Alle! Den Buddhismus gibt es nicht nur für eine intellektuelle Elite, wie das im Westen oft der Fall ist! Durch das aussöhnende Moment der Gnade des Buddha fühlen wir uns sicher und glücklich, während unser Geist von gewöhnlichem Denken Abstand nimm...

You are in Jail!

Pssst! You are in jail... on the outside! Looks big.. this world .. doesn't it? Pretty fancy too! The veils and barriers separating you from reality hold you here ... complacent... DGR "Pssst! Du bist im Gefä Äußeren! Sieht groß aus.. diese Welt...nicht wahr? Und auch ganz schön schick! Die Schleier und Schranken, die Dich von der Wirklichkeit trennen, halten Dich hier...selbstgefällig..." DGR

Thinking about Emptiness

One cannot actually think about emptiness itself, the mind is not programmed that way. However, analogies, logic, and testimonials by sages can be considered. Gradually the mind becomes accustomed to perceiving phenomena one way but understanding that it actually exists in another way as a transitional method. Domo Geshe Rinpoche "Man kann nicht über die Leerheit an sich nachdenken. Der Geist ist nicht dafür programmiert. Aber man kann Analogien, Logik und die Aussagen der Weisen durchdenken. Nach und nach gewöhnt sich der Geist daran, die Phänomene auf eine bestimmte Art wahrzunehmen und zu verstehen, dass sie tatsächlich auf andere Weise existieren. Dies ist eine vorübergehende Methode." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---