
Showing posts from April 3, 2016

Becoming Liberated and other Buddhist musings....

The promise of the Buddha to save all sentient beings does not mean that they will all enter the state of Buddhahood. There are many different ways to be saved, one of them is called liberation. The lower forms of liberation that living beings can enter would be a true cessation: the end of their spiritual search and future lives. However, that is not a bodhisattva altruistic goal. Rather, it is  to refuse the pull of the lower liberation in order to become even more skillful and benefit as many as possible. This is the way that bodhisattvas fully blossom and become buddhas.... eventually. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche **** "Das Versprechen des Buddhas, alle fühlenden Wesen zu retten, bedeutet nicht, dass sie alle die Buddhaschaft erlangen werden. Es gibt viele Arten, gerettet zu werden, eine davon nennt man die Befreiung. Die niedere Form der Befreiung, in die lebende Wesen eintreten können, wäre ein wirkliches Aufhören: das Ende ihrer spirituellen Suche und zukünftiger Leben. Dies ist ...