Spiritual Eagerness, Simplicity, Pleasing Our Parents and other Buddhist musings....
Experiencing incomprehensible feelings of spiritual eagerness while meditating is a sign that veils between your gross mind and your subconscious, or inner more subtle minds, are beginning to thin. From that experience can arise a new kind of you that doesn’t have to explain why you feel joyful. You will steadily become more open, and more capable; this is an inner shift of your essence to refuge as faith. The only way this faith is meaningful and reliable is when you feel protected inside by previously generating correct earlier refuge of safety in the care of the awakened Buddha. This is dharma of the Great Path! ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ „Wenn du während der Meditation ein unerklärliches Gefühl spirituellen Verlangens verspürst, ist dies ein Anzeichen dafür, dass sich die Schleier zwischen deinem groben Geist und deinem Unterbewusstsein (oder den inneren subtileren Geistesebenen) beginnen zu lichten. Aus dieser Erfahrung kann ein neues Du aufsteigen, das keine Erkl...