You are a Multidimensional Being
Before you were born in the human realm, you were alive. I’m going to say the dissatisfaction built up to a point where that being, who is the actual you, sent you as an emanation – I’m going to use terminology that we use in Tibetan religious work, but I don’t mean it in the Tibetan Buddhist manner. I am saying it emanated force and you became alive. A multidimensional being is one who is aware simultaneously of that level of reality of where you actually exist, as well as being in the human body. This means not only aware but understanding that you are a human being as well as existing on another level of reality, without confusion. The reason why you cannot do it effortlessly yet is due to inner permissions and the points of perception that you have not received in western society. On the other hand, within Tibetan society, there are many points of perception regarding multidimensional being. We call something a pure land, deity paradises of the self-existent ever-eternal manda...