
Showing posts from September 19, 2010

How Wonderful that Buddhists Deepen Refuge

How wonderful that people request refuge vows to formally become Buddhist. How very wonderful that Buddhists continue to study the meanings of refuge, meditating on the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha as root of the path to enlightenment. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Wie wunderbar es ist, dass Menschenl um die Z...ufluchtsgelübde bitten, um offiziell Buddhist zu werden. Wie wirklich wunderbar, dass Buddhisten damit fortfahren die Bedeutung der Zuflucht, das Meditieren über Buddha, Dharma und Sangha als Wurzel des Pfads zur Erleuchtung zu studieren." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---

How to Grow Compassion for Others

If you have only a little compassion for others.... grow it up by seeing yourself in their position. Eventually, you will not need that crutch by finding others worthy of compassion for their own dear -ness, without using lower empathy. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Wenn Du nur wenig Mitgefühl für andere besitzt ...lass es anwachsen, indem Du Dich in ihre Lage versetzt. Schließlich wirst Du dieses Hilfsmittel nicht mehr brauchen, weil Du andere wegen ihrer eigenen Liebenswert- heit Deines Mitgefühls für wert befindest, ohne niedere Empathie einzusetzen." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---

Just Who Do You Work For?

In filling out various documents there is one question that I have a problem answering; who do you work for, who is your employer? May I answer truthfully, All Sentient Beings? ~DGR ~~~ "Beim Ausfüllen aller möglichen Dokumente habe ich nur bei der Beantwortung einer Frage Schwierigkeiten: Für wen arbeiten ...Sie und wer ist Ihr Arbeitgeber? Darf ich ganz ehrlich antworten 'alle fühlenden Wesen'?" - DGR ---

The Four Seasons of the Dysfunctional Mind

The four seasons of the dysfunctional mind: excited, lazy, busy, and depressed. Our suffering mind is like spring when we have a new project; tendrils of excitement shaking us, but becoming too strong, we tire ourselves out with our own excitement. The lazy summer mind knows what to do and stops making effort. We pick t he flowers of our previous efforts and watch life without trying very hard. Our mind experiences the dysfunctional busyness of fall thinking when gathering and preparing for hard times ahead combined with worry eroding our good mood. The winter of the depressed and dysfunctional mind drops below a minimum alert level. Deprived of alertness, other important systems begin to shut down as well. Digestion is sluggish with energy stagnation and will power becomes weakened. Cultivate a steady mind to avoid the diseases coming from the changeable nature of the mind that brings suffering due to emotional ups and downs. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Die vier Jahresze...

Distinctive Mahayana Refuge in the Sangha

Buddhist refuge of the Mahayana Sangha Jewel is toward the enlightened bodhisattva community in their transfigured state. It also includes the bodhisattva Mahayana gurus of the tradition of awakened bodhichitta training. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Die Zuflucht zum Juwel des Sanghas wird im ...Mahayanabuddhismus zur erleuchteten Gemeinschaft der Bodhisattvas im Zustand der Transzendenz genommen. Dies schließt auch die Mahayana Bodhisattvagurus mit ein, die in der Tradition des erwachten Bodhichittatrainings stehen." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---

Two Highest Transformative Spiritual Practices

There are two important transformative processes. One is a dramatic perceptual shift that bypasses the hypnotic programming holding us. The second is a guided energetic training that reconfigures the inner physiology, making it capable of transformation to another way of being that is commensurate with higher evolutionary development. Both are eventually needed. Begin now with loosening the many perceptions preventing you from awakening. For example, anger shakes and damages both ourselves and others, establishing inappropriate karmic consequences. Reduce and eventually eliminate it. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Es gibt zwei wichtige transformative Prozesse. Der eine ist eine dramatische Veränderung der Wahrnehmung, wodurch das hypnotische Programm, das uns gefangen hält, umgangen wird. Der zweite besteht aus angeleitetem energetischen Training, das die innere Physiologie neu aufbaut und für die Transformation in eine andere Daseinsform befähigt, die der höheren evolutionären Entwic...

Buddhism and Love as a Goal

Buddhism does not advocate love as a goal of spiritual search. We see how love can become confused with self serving and instead use other special terminology to help us gain specific goals. Loving compassion, love/compassion, cherishing others, repaying the kindness of others are some of the techniques used to break d ... own barriers between our self and others. Generating great love based on repaying their kindness, and empathic understanding of the suffering of others because others are dear by nature, brings real change to our character and inner nature. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Liebe als Ziel der spirituellen Suche wird im Buddhismus nicht befürwortet. Wir sehen, wie man Liebe mit Eigennutz verwechseln kann und benutzen stattdessen eine besondere Terminologie, um uns zu helfen, bestimmte Ziele zu erreichen. Liebendes Mitgefühl, Liebe/Mitgefühl, andere wertschätzen, die Güte der anderen zurückzahlen: dies sind einige Techniken, die man einsetzt, um die Hürde...

Peace in Everyday Life (free podcast)

A special edition of the Domo Geshe Rinpoche free podcasts to honor the International Day of Peace, never before heard teachings (except by those who were present at the International Launch of the Discipline of Peace) Hear a discussion of dynamic method to understand and exude PEACE in EVERYDAY LIFE. each one approximately one and a half hours Domo Geshe Rinpoche Teachings - Download free podcast episodes by Domo Geshe Rinpoche on iTunes. Download or subscribe to free podcast episodes from Domo Geshe Rinpoche Teachings by Domo Geshe Rinpoche on iTunes.

Cell Phones and Buddhist Refuge

Telephones are a wonderful invention. When the cell phone was invented, everyone who could afford one saw the benefit of having a way to call someone in an emergency. It was worth the cost in "peace of mind", as we called it then. Even if we had a car with potential mechanical problems we were okay. We would happily take the scenic route home, knowing help was nearby instead of using a musical chairs mentality, looking for the phone booths along the way in case we had to walk back to call. Similarly, on the path to the enlightened state, sometimes our mind doesn't function as well as we might wish and we might become fearful of continuing. Refuge is our internal cell phone. Calls are free, incoming and outgoing! Use it often to feel secure and just to share you happiness on the scenic route of life! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Das Telefon ist eine wunderbare Erfindung. Als das Handy erfunden wurde, sah jeder, der es sich leisten konnte, den Vorteil davon, im Notfall ...

Are Vegetarians Just Another Kind of Animal Abusers?

Just contemplating the ethics of food choices. It used to be that vegetarians would consider themselves above reproach by making a choice of either no red meat or no meat at all out of compassion for animals. Then, veganism became the ethical gold standard and vegetarians might be considered another form of animal abus ers by drinking milk and eating eggs. Now that it seems quite likely that plants are sentient, some might have no other choice but to rise to ethical superiority by advocating no food at all! This is actually in line with the choices made by some Jain saints, who voluntarily starved themselves to death out of compassion for living creatures. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Ich denke gerade über die Ethik von Essenspräferenzen nach. Vor einiger Zeit war es so, dass Vegetarier sich über jede Kritik erhaben fühlten, weil sie sich aus Mitgefühl für die Tiere dazu entschieden hatten kein dunkles oder gar kein Fleisch zu essen. Dann wurde Veganismus zum ethischen ...

Buddhist Altars, Creativity in Offerings

These are all White Conch altars for special events, retreats and ceremonies. Included are the Hermitage in Central Wisconsin, place of summer retreats, Germany, the Midwest, New Mexico and Hawaii. At the Hermitage is our temple and the official "seat" of Domo Geshe Rinpoche. A traditional Tibetan Buddhist offerings would appear differently; tormas, butter sculptures, silver and gold offering vessels. However, the irrepressible creativity of those dear people that arrange the offerings is equally delightful! Please enjoy! "Buddhistische Altäre, Opfergaben voll Kreativität Dies alles sind White Conch Altäre für besondere Anlässe, Retreats und Zeremonien. Darunter ist die Hermitage in Central Wisconsin, wo die Sommerretreats stattfinden, Deutschland, der Mitt lere Westen, Neumexiko und Hawaii. In der Hermitage ist unser Tempel und der offizielle 'Sitz' von Domo Geshe Rinpoche. Traditionelle tibetische Opfergaben würden anders aussehen: Tormas, Butterskulp...

Celibacy: An Ancient and Modern Approach

Celibacy, done with correct understanding, is an important aspect of awakening to higher functioning love. Withdrawing the awareness that has become overly sensitized to physical cues allows a neutral perception to arise. Remaining without the push and pull of sexuality for some time, the mind naturally opens to mental satisfaction without bodily needs. In addition, without the natural tendency to see others as sexual objects, we stop judging others in accordance with how we can potentially use them for our own satisfaction. Repressed sexuality on the other hand, will have the potential for harming others. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Sexuelle Enthaltsamkeit, die aus korrektem Verständnis entsteht, ist ein wichtiger Aspekt des Erwachens zu höher funktionierender Liebe. Das Zurückziehen des Bewusstseins, das zu empfänglich für körperliche Anreize geworden ist, erlaubt das Entstehen einer neutralen Wahrnehmung. Wenn der Geist für eine Weile ohne das Ziehen und Drängen der Sexualität b...

The Excellent Antidote to Fear

Buddhist refuge acts as an antidote to fear embedded in the mind, which makes it unsuitable for experiencing joy and higher thinking. It also conquers traces of fear left in the body in the form of a damaged and over-reactive limbic system. Within the dharma is information we need about reality and how to change. Refuge in the dharma must contain important knowledge that offers us more safety than continuing to rely on our fear to keep us out of danger. Dharma is the second object of refuge, (the Buddha and Sangha are the others). They are the teachings of the Buddha on the path to liberation. It is the actual refuge, because it allows us to exercise our own free will to change by incorporating powerful new perceptions making us strong, courageous, and even beautiful by holding refuge vows!~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Die buddhistische Zufluchtnahme fungiert als ein Gegenmittel für die Angst die im Geist verankert ist und ihn außerstande setzt, Freude und höheres Denken zu erleben....