
Showing posts from October 10, 2010

Buddhas are Willing to Help Us!

A feature of Buddha level beings is a willingness, as well as an ability, to call (simultaneously and continuously) toward all living beings, encouraging them to awaken to reality. A feature of buddha emanated bodhisattvas is supporting that awakening from the illusory teaching realms to higher reality. A feature of spiritual people is to awaken their capacity for clarity to that call. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ ""Ein Merkmal von Wesen der Buddhaebene ist ihre Bereitschaft, sowie ihre Fähigkeit ständig und gleichzeitig alle lebenden Wesen zu rufen, um sie dazu ermutigen für die Wirklichkeit zu erwachen. Ein Merkmal der aus Buddhas emanierten Bodhisattvas ist, dass sie dieses Erwachen aus illusorischen Lehrbereichen in die höhere Wirklichkeit unterstützen. Ein Merkmal spiritueller Menschen ist, dass ihre Fähigkeit erwacht, sich klar über diesen Ruf zu werden." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---"

Gurus of the Ancient Times

Many Gurus of ancient times were nirmanakaya emanations, sent directly from Tantric Buddha level beings to reveal tantras while observing and aiding the progress of those in training. They did not invent the tantras; the tantras existed long before this world-system. Buddha Shakyamuni, like them, did not invent the st ories of great Buddha beings and their guidance instructions, which are called by the names of different tantras. He revealed them; this is the ancient religion. Buddhism is a guided program of behavioral, motivational, and transformative teachings, empowered by the compassion of all of the Awakened Ones!~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "In früheren Zeiten waren viele Gurus Emanationen des Nirmanakaya, die direkt von Buddhawesen der tantrischen Ebenen ausgesandt wurden, um die Tantras zu offenbaren, während sie die Fortschritte der Auszubildenden beobachteten und ihnen halfen. Die Tantras wurden nicht von ihnen erfunden; die Tantras exis...

Buddhist Messages to Yourself and Winter Preparations at the Hermitage

If you have trouble remembering a particular challenge, tape a post it note to yourself. Write PATIENCE in big letters and put it on the bathroom mirror. In that way, you will notice it until it becomes too familiar and you don’t see it anymore. Then you must take it down and put it up again written in a brighter color.... Probably best to put positive messages instead of downers such as, ‘Life is suffering.’ Try out essence statements such as, ‘I’m accumulating the causes and conditions for enlightenment, or Compassion is the best protection!’ ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Wenn es Dir schwerfällt, Dich an eine bestimmte Herausforderung zu erinnern, schreib Dir selbst einen Zettel. Schreib in großen Buchstaben GEDULD darauf und kleb ihn an den Spiegel im Bad. So wirst Du ihn solange bemerken, bis Du Dich an ihn gewöhnt hast und ihn nicht mehr siehst. Dann musst Du ihn wieder abnehmen und einen neuen aufhängen, der in leuchtenderer Farbe geschrieben ist. Es ist wahrscheinlich besser po...

If You Have a Happy Mind, You Can Be Happy Anywhere!

If your mind is happy, you can be happy anywhere. Otherwise, you will experience the torment of dissatisfaction wherever you go. There will be nowhere to escape. Start easy by finding small satisfactions in daily life. With steady practice, one day you will possess a true mind of satisfaction, a great treasure! ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Wenn Dein Geist glücklich ist, kannst Du überall glücklich sein. Ansonsten wirst Du die Qualen der Unzufriedenheit überall erleben wo Du bist. Es wird keinen Ausweg geben. Fang mit etwas Einfachem an und finde kleine Dinge, die Dich im Alltag zufrieden machen. Durch regelmäßige Praxis wirst Du eines Tages den wahren Geist der Zufriedenheit besitzen, einen großen Schatz!" - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---

Thank You to His Holiness for Coming to US, and Teaching Visit to Calif by DGR

We are honored that HH the Dalai Lama is willing to spend so much time in the US. Long Life and success in all his endeavors! ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ California Buddhist teachings soon .... Oct 22-27 Sebastopol and Santa Rosa (Sonoma). Oct 24-26 Kentfield and Mill Valley (Marin) Subjects: Compassion, meditation, overcoming ego and pride, Medicine Buddha

Inner and Outer Standards for Buddhist Teachings

There are inner and outer criteria or standards for dharma teachings. For Buddhists, outer standards are based on the teachings of Lord Buddha, both the definitive teachings on emptiness as well as teachings called requiring interpretation. No Buddhist teachings should contradict the definitive category. The inner stan dards of the path to perfection, (called complete and total Buddhahood), do not belong to the human realm, they belong to higher beings such as buddhas and tantric realms. Clarity beings such as highly enlightened nirmanakaya emanations have knowledge of inner standards. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Für Dharmaunterweisungen gibt es innere und äußere Kriterien oder Standards. Für Buddhisten basieren die äußeren Standards auf den Lehren des Buddha, sowohl für die definitiven Lehren über die Leerheit, wie für die Lehren die man 'Interpretation verlangend' nennt. Keine buddhistische Unterweisung sollte der definitiven Kategorie ...

Be the Mirror!

Be the mirror reflecting inner light and not the base metal that holds the mirror. Do not be proud about it or show off! Then, being steady and reliable to inner being will be effortless. Polish the mirror! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Sei der Spiegel, der das innere Licht reflektiert und ni...cht das einfache Metall, das den Spiegel hält. Sei nicht stolz oder angeberisch deswegen! Dann wirst Du mühelos stetig und verlässlich für Dein inneres Wesen da sein können. Poliere den Spiegel!" - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---

Exploring the Mind Through Buddhist Practice

Shantideva, the great 8th century Buddhist teacher, calls us to courageously examine the spectacular process percolating within our mind, its interaction with itself, and the world. What could be more exciting? Like the explorer Magellan, or the inner voyage of the Buddha, we are on our own great adventure, discovering the root of mind. Who could possibly be more interested in this subject than we ourselves, the great experiencer of our individual life? Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Shantideva, der große buddhistische Lehrer aus dem 8. Jahrhundert, fordert uns dazu auf, mutig den spektakulären Prozess zu untersuchen, der sich in unserem Geist abspielt, seine Wechselwirkung mit sich selbst und der Welt. Was könnte spannender sein? Wie der Entdecker Magellan, oder der Buddha auf seiner inneren Reise, erleben wir unser eigenes großes Abenteuer wenn wir den Ursprung des Geists entdecken. Wer könnte wohl mehr an diesem Thema interessiert sein als wir ...

Guard the Mind and Attainments!

Like the farmer with a valuable crop, meditators must guard their minds, the repository of their attainments. The individual mind holds the distillation of her or his preparation toward awaking to reality. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Wie der Farmer seine kostbare Ernte müssen Meditierende i ... hren Geist schützen, der der Aufbewahrungsort ihrer Errungenschaften ist. Der individuelle Geist enthält das Distillat ihrer Vorbereitung auf das Erwachen für die Wirklichkeit." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche --

Karmic Garbage

Buddhist purification practices will lead us to a kind of rebirth. We will gain a state devoid of our many long held dysfunctional attitudes. I saw a movie about how they prepare someone to enter a special clean room. With big brushes, they scrub them down, under their fingernails, and anywhere dirt might hide until they are raw! Later, they will put on a special suit and mask to finally enter the sterile area. In a similar way, the extraordinary state of transformation first requires that we have a complete inner purification. When completely cleansed, we can shift into a new consciousness paradigm without the germs of poor states of mind, viruses of unwanted influences, and other karmic garbage that perhaps we have been dragging along from lifetime to lifetime. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ""Buddhistische Reinigungspraktiken werden uns zu einer Art Wiedergeburt führen. Wir werden einen Zustand erreichen, wo...

Releasing Guilt free podcast

Aging is such a blessing when we consider the alternative! ~DGR ~~~ Newest audio teaching (about 1.5 hrs) is about releasing guilt. You can download to listen later. Now there are 11 free teachings on this site.

Are All Living Beings Bad or Good?

All sentient beings, referred to in Buddhism, are not either bad or good. They do not need our pity or crave to be put on a pedestal in their collective form. They, as individuals are caught by confusion in myriad realms believing a magical display to be real. This is like someone in a movie theater hypnotized while wa tching a film, laughing and then crying. They are perfection itself but do not know it, and even dying will not release them. Time to awaken! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Alle fühlenden Wesen, wie sie im Buddhismus genannt werden, sind weder schlecht noch gut. Sie brauchen unser Mitleid nicht, oder die Sehnsucht in kollektiver Form auf ein Podest gehoben zu werden. Sie sind als Individuen durch ihre Verwirrung in unzähligen Bereichen gefangen und glauben an die Wirklichkeit einer magischen Vorstellung. Dies entspricht jemandem, der im Kino von einem Film hypnotisiert ist, wie er zuerst lacht und dann weint. Sie sind die Vollkommenhe...

What are the Signs of a Great Spiritual Teacher?

The sign of a great teacher, rather than a hermit practitioner, is an outer enlightened alert state while remaining in reality alignment. As an example, Buddha Shakyamuni continued to grow bigger on inner levels without withdrawing from the human realm. A tremendous emergence into activities as a world teacher caused the Buddha to enter into a different relationship with the world and its inhabitants that was vitalizing for all living beings in all realms. After teaching for decades, The Awakened Buddha became so amazingly skillful that not only was he a world teacher, but his many students began living lineages. There were many who became like world teachers themselves, impossible unless the living root was very strong, isn’t that so? However, enlightened sangha is not the same as Buddha, but another important aspect of refuge modeling the success of the Path to awakening. The Buddha’s enlightened students were the example Sangha: the community of enlightened beings, who after receivi...

Come for Personal Retreat at the Hermitage in Central Wisconsin

What is short range spirituality? A rich fantasy life to feel good now. What is long range spirituality? Painful honesty and effort toward permanent and meaningful change. In other words, preparation and transformation ~DGR ~~~ What a beautiful fall day here at the Hermitage in Central Wisconsin. We are also able to now schedule private meditation retreat times for fall and winter. Fly into Mpls/St Paul. See link for photos of Hermitage of Domo Geshe Rinpoche e?ref=profile#!/album.php?aid=2011783&id =106 ... 9783068 ~~~ ""Welch wunderschöner Tag hier in der Hermitage in Zentralwisconsin. Wir können jetzt auch Zeit für private Meditationsretreate im Herbst und Winter vorbuchen. Flieg nach Minneapolis/St. Paul. Link zu Fotos der Hermitage von Domo Geshe Rinpoche e?ref=profile#!/album.php?aid=2011783&id =1069783068 " -DG...

Perfecting the Art of Attracting Another

Part of the allure of love, the craving to find someone to love, is that folks are trying to learn how to perfect the art of attracting another. The allure of love, coming from deep inside, means something pushing emotions, as well as promising a feel-good feeling. Actually, by the time you grab a special someone, put them through the wringer a few times, love doesn’t look as nice as it did a first glance. However, it is the allure of love, finding the perfect person, which keeps trying, with the hope of success while becoming more confident in the process to keep looking. This is part of the basic urge behind the allure of love; an immature view of love, which absolutely must be carefully uplifted into a more mature form. Why? Because you are really going to get hurt, whether you are the aggressor or victim! This form of grasping is going to hurt you and others repeatedly until grasping is turned off and we see a better way. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ""Ein Teil der Verlockun...

Human Realm Karma, Video on Obstacles to Enlightenment with German translation

The general qualities, which make a living being a candidate for the human realm: habitual familiarity with the innate view of the human realm, craving for the human realm, and a lack of closure of previous karma created in the human realm. Not only that, but your human karma had to be stronger than karma for other r ealms. At the time before this birth, your human karma predominated, and your human karma is still strong. What kind of suffering or virtuous/non-virtuous human karma will be in your future cannot be fully understood because it is still in a fluid changing state. Therefore, the wise take a proactive approach, creating positive karmic imprints so that the next life will be a optimum state for gaining enlightenment… better yet… this very life! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ""Die allgemeinen Qualitäten, die ein Lebewesen zu einem Kandidaten für den menschlichen Bereich machen sind: gewohnheitsmäßige Vertrautheit mit der angeborenen Sichtweise des men...