Why Happiness?
The four great wishes is recited in all Tibetan Buddhist daily meditations. The first of the wishes is for happiness. We repeat again and again, “May all sentient beings have happiness and the cause of happiness.” This is used as our own remedy to discover a lasting happiness that is free from confusion, and to evolve by becoming a m odel for this happiness that we wish for others to experience. We do this because we have connected with higher values to benefit all living beings. This wish is ultimate foolishness to the self-absorbed person, but with effort to overcome the self-serving attitude, will make ultimate great sense. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ""Die vier unermesslichen Gedanken werden in jeder täglichen Meditation des tibetischen Buddhismus gesprochen. Der erste Gedanke ist der Wunsch nach Glück. Wir wiederholen immer wieder: 'Glücklich seien alle Wesen und im Besitz der Ursachen des Glücks.' Wir wenden dies als ein Heilmittel für uns selbst an...