
Showing posts from February 20, 2011

Why Happiness?

The four great wishes is recited in all Tibetan Buddhist daily meditations. The first of the wishes is for happiness. We repeat again and again, “May all sentient beings have happiness and the cause of happiness.” This is used as our own remedy to discover a lasting happiness that is free from confusion, and to evolve by becoming a m odel for this happiness that we wish for others to experience. We do this because we have connected with higher values to benefit all living beings. This wish is ultimate foolishness to the self-absorbed person, but with effort to overcome the self-serving attitude, will make ultimate great sense. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ""Die vier unermesslichen Gedanken werden in jeder täglichen Meditation des tibetischen Buddhismus gesprochen. Der erste Gedanke ist der Wunsch nach Glück. Wir wiederholen immer wieder: 'Glücklich seien alle Wesen und im Besitz der Ursachen des Glücks.' Wir wenden dies als ein Heilmittel für uns selbst an...

Discriminating Awareness: Resonating Wisdom

A feature of enlightenment is the cultivation and care of discriminating awareness. This extraordinary state is a new kind of alertness, arising as a result of transformation of the mind. It is the deep wisdom resource flowing from higher evolved values. It is of another order of thought altogether, thinking without thought. Discriminating awareness resonates with clarity, and is attracted to the healthier of choices, or no choices at all! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ""Ein Merkmal der Erleuchtung ist die Kultivierung und Pflege von unterscheidendem Bewusstsein. Dieser außergewöhnliche Zustand ist eine neue Art von Wachheit, die als Ergebnis der Geistestransformation entsteht. Es ist die tiefe Quelle der Weisheit, die aus höher entwickelten Werten entspringt. Es gehört einer völlig anderen Gattung an, dem Denken ohne Gedanken. Unterscheidendes Bewusstsein harmonisiert mit Klarheit und trifft entweder die gesündere Entscheidung oder gar keine." - Domo Geshe...

Watch your mind but don't let the bread burn!

Watch your mind but don't let the bread burn! It is not so easy to make the enemy stop from their side A harmonic of values, environment and the needs and rights of others is Buddhism in action

Gollum, Buddhism and the Stolen Ring of Power

In the story, "Lord of the Rings", this is a character called Gollum. His most important possession was a ring of power to make others do his wishes. We observe how distorted he was; how the ring changed him from a normal human being to something like an animal. In Buddhism, we would call him a preta. This might seem overly fantast ic, but there are real people who, by craving or gaining power inappropriately, have turned themselves into gollums inside and are eventually reborn as external gollums. It happens! They even talk to themselves like the character in the book. Gollum was not supposed to own the ring of power, he stole the ring of power. He was not ready for any level of power until he has power over himself! These are part of the important changes in discrimination that Buddhism helps us to attain. What to accept and what to reject! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ In der Geschichte 'Der Herr der Ringe' gibt es eine Figur namens Gollum. Sein we...

The Lepers Practice: Tonglen

Tibetan Buddhism teaches a wonderful technique called tonglen: taking away suffering and giving blessings upon the breath. Tonglen practice began in Tibet among hopeless lepers. Even wealthy people who contracted leprosy might be thrown out into the street to live with other lepers because the disease was so infectious and dreaded. One day, they are drinking out of fine, thin china teacups, and the next day cast into the street to live among beggars. With no cure available, disfigured, shamed, and unaccustomed to living as a beggar; life was extremely difficult. When others noticed that some lepers did not look as pathetic as usual, they wondered, ‘why aren’t the poor suffering lepers as miserable as they used to be?’ This was a secret reason; a new spiritual practice was passed among the lepers, which not only caused great changes in their attitude, but many lepers actually were improved in their health. It seems they were secretly taught tonglen technique by a bodhis...

The Link Between Practice and Promises

Eventually we practice dharma full time, whether we have daily jobs or not! Your meditation practice helps you keep your commitments, and your commitments help you keep the practice steady. They are in an interactive dynamic that gradually improves the basis of our nature. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Die Verbindung zwischen Praxis und Versprechen Letztendlich werden wir eine Vollzeit-Dharmapraxis haben, egal ob wir jeden Tag zur Arbeit gehen oder nicht! Deine Meditationspraxis hilft Dir dabei, Deine Verpflichtungen einzuhalten und Deine Verpflichtungen helfen Dir dabei, regelmäßig zu meditieren. Diese Dynamik hat eine Wechselwirkung, die die Grundlage unserer Natur nach und nach verbessert." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---