
Showing posts from October 2, 2011

Bodhichitta is 100% Guilt Free!

Bodhichitta is guilt free. The delusions have twisted our natural innocence into compromising situations that have become causes of guilt. Worse yet... we have become seduced into believing that it is good and beneficial to knowingly do what is wrong or to avoid doing the right thing. We have been wrongly trained by a generalized fantasy that selfishness will bring us what we desire. Bodhichitta , the Great Liberator, breaks us free from self interest. Bodhichitta, the Great Relaxer brings us peace. This is what is shared in the Great Mahayana, the culmination of altruism. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Bodhichitta ist frei von Schuld. Die Täuschungen haben unsere natürliche Unschuld zu kompromittierenden Situationen verdreht, die zu Ursachen von Schuld wurden. Und was noch schlimmer ist: wir sind verführt worden, zu glauben, dass es gut und nützlich sei, wissentlich das Falsche zu tun, oder es zu vermeiden, das Richtige zu tun. Durch die allgemeine Phantasievorste...

Talking about Compassion?

 Compassion and its larger dynamic; bodhichitta, are a source of endless possibilities for discussion as well as meditation and practical application. To complain that that this world would be a happier place if everyone just had more compassion, does not describe the true relationship between all living beings and the dynamic of bodhichitta and compassion. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Das Mitgefühl und seine größere Dynamik, das Bodhichitta, sind eine Quelle unendlich vieler Möglichkeiten zur Diskussion, sowie für die Meditation und für praktische Anwendungen. Sich zu beschweren, dass die Welt ein glücklicherer Ort wäre, wenn nur Alle mehr Mitgefühl hätten, beschreibt nicht die wirkliche Beziehung zwischen allen Lebewesen und der Dynamik von Bodhichitta und Mitgefühl." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche --- Stay at  Lotus Lake Buddhist Center Hermitage/Norbu House for Spiritual Retreat Retreat to remember who you are and who you are not! It is the core of whole health. Quie...

Do You Want to Be Like Your Parents?

  There is an implied contract with ones parents to always emulate them by using their agendas as a model. This works well when the parent is well adjusted and noble, free from clinging and controlling behaviors. However, many spiritual seekers find fault in the values taught by parents or feel oppressed and struggle to have kind thoughts when their own values differ. It might be valuable to gentl y see the dysfunctional training as coming from your "anti-guru". That means that you NEVER want to be like that! Once free of the obligation to continue learning damaging ways to relate to the world, you can cultivate a good quality relationship with that parent in a new way. Instead of continuing to feel bad... think that without a single "anti-guru" (friend or family member) you will never emerge to know who you really are. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ We cannot use dharma to escape from the responsibilities that we have created! However, dharma is very ap...

Endless Wonderful Possibilities Await... but......

Many spiritual or sensitive people feel concerned for daily life or their emotional health when planets realign in certain ways. Certainly, by living in a world of form where magnetic forces play an important part, we will participate willingly or unwillingly. When we are walking, we adjust for pebbles and uneven ground to keep our balance. In a similar way, while experiencing inner influences su ch as the pull of gravitational forces of celestial bodies, we should become more capable of automatically adjusting to maintain balance on that level, without disturbing our inner equilibrium. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Viele spirituelle oder sensible Menschen machen sich Sorgen um ihr tägliches Leben oder um ihre emotionale Gesundheit wenn sich Planeten auf bestimmte Weise ausrichten. Sicher werden wir, da wir in einer Formwelt leben wo magnetische Kräfte eine große Rolle spielen, freiwillig oder unfreiwillig daran teilnehmen. Beim Laufen passen wir uns an Kieselstei...