Bodhichitta is 100% Guilt Free!
Bodhichitta is guilt free. The delusions have twisted our natural innocence into compromising situations that have become causes of guilt. Worse yet... we have become seduced into believing that it is good and beneficial to knowingly do what is wrong or to avoid doing the right thing. We have been wrongly trained by a generalized fantasy that selfishness will bring us what we desire. Bodhichitta , the Great Liberator, breaks us free from self interest. Bodhichitta, the Great Relaxer brings us peace. This is what is shared in the Great Mahayana, the culmination of altruism. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Bodhichitta ist frei von Schuld. Die Täuschungen haben unsere natürliche Unschuld zu kompromittierenden Situationen verdreht, die zu Ursachen von Schuld wurden. Und was noch schlimmer ist: wir sind verführt worden, zu glauben, dass es gut und nützlich sei, wissentlich das Falsche zu tun, oder es zu vermeiden, das Richtige zu tun. Durch die allgemeine Phantasievorste...