Breaking impatience and other musings...
What are some of the ways that we preserve the dharma for the future? Doing our practice, of course, but what about supporting or even starting a dharma center, so that others can come and hear the dharma? Wherever you are, why not invite a Buddhist teacher to come to give a dharma teaching… even if it is in your home. You could organize dharma teachings in your home state or your home country and invite your friends and family. Invite teachers and do the activities to organize so that the dharma can reach many and help them to overcome suffering. Preserve the dharma by recording, transcribing, translating and caring for the teachings for others to receive them in the future. Perhaps you are even capable of not just recording and preserving, but disseminating the teachings that have been given. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Was sind einige der Methoden, mit deren Hilfe wir das Dharma für die Zukunft bewahren? Natürlich tun wir dies, indem wir unsere Praxis ausüben, aber wie ...