
Showing posts from March 27, 2016

Message to Disappointed Bodhisattvas and other Buddhist musings...

This is a message to all disappointed bodhisattvas to encourage those who are working for the benefit of all living beings. Remember that life is a continuous process of self honesty in order to mature correct self-awareness without falling into the seduction of wanting to become more powerful. Proper identity self-awareness is actually power itself. Why? Because nothing can harm you. There is  no safer position than holding no position at all. There is no safer agenda than holding no personal agenda at all. This is the real work and challenge within advanced practices of higher level Bodhisattvas. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche **** „Dies ist eine Botschaft an alle enttäuschten Bodhisattvas, um jene zu ermutigen, die zum Wohle aller fühlenden Wesen arbeiten. Erinnert euch daran, dass das Leben ein fortlaufender Prozess der Ehrlichkeit mit sich Selbst ist, um die korrekte Eigenwahrnehmung reifen zu lassen, ohne der Verlockung zu erliegen, mächtiger werden zu wollen. Die richtige Bewussthe...