Little Old Ladies Watching Monks Making Butter Sculpture
A group of older ladies wearing little mink shoulder wraps, little hats and quite a good amount of makeup visited a Tibetan butter sculpture. They asked the monks, "What are you going to do with the butter sculpture once it is finished? Will it be available for sale?" "No, ladies, this butter sculpture will be scraped off into a lump and thrown away." "Well, that is terrible, it should be preserved!" The monks, in their poor English, explained about how nothing lasts. Butter sculpture and also sand mandala making teach also teach impermanence in everything by this exhibit of Buddhist offerings. The ladies still did not understand. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche~~~ "Un grupo de señoras más viejas que llevan pequeños abrigos de hombro de visón, pequeños sombreros y completamente una cantidad buena del maquillaje visitó una escultura de mantequilla tibetana. ¿Ellos preguntaron a los monjes, "Qué vas a hacer con la escultura de mantequilla una vez que es termi...