
Showing posts from December 13, 2009

Little Old Ladies Watching Monks Making Butter Sculpture

A group of older ladies wearing little mink shoulder wraps, little hats and quite a good amount of makeup visited a Tibetan butter sculpture. They asked the monks, "What are you going to do with the butter sculpture once it is finished? Will it be available for sale?" "No, ladies, this butter sculpture will be scraped off into a lump and thrown away." "Well, that is terrible, it should be preserved!" The monks, in their poor English, explained about how nothing lasts. Butter sculpture and also sand mandala making teach also teach impermanence in everything by this exhibit of Buddhist offerings. The ladies still did not understand. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche~~~ "Un grupo de señoras más viejas que llevan pequeños abrigos de hombro de visón, pequeños sombreros y completamente una cantidad buena del maquillaje visitó una escultura de mantequilla tibetana. ¿Ellos preguntaron a los monjes, "Qué vas a hacer con la escultura de mantequilla una vez que es termi...

Huge Amount of Spiritual Energy Needed! Come to Winter Retreat!

Come to Winter Retreat in Albuquerque, New Mexico "Like a flash of lightning, the awakening blessing is not just a gentle entry of illumination into the ordinary mind for ordinary needs using ordinary leisure and endowment. That is not enough leisure and endowment. We request a tremendous burst of illuminated power and energy to open the door to enlightened nature" ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Der erweckende Segen ist wie ein Blitz, nicht nur ein sanfter Eintritt der Illumination in den normalen Geist für normale Bedürfnisse unter Verwendung normaler Freiheit und Reichtums. Freiheit und Reichtum reichen dafür nicht aus. Wir erbitten einen gewaltigen Schwall illuminierter Macht und Energie, um die Tür zur erleuchteten Natur zu öffnen."- Domo Geshe Rinpoche---

Science vs Buddhism

"Descriptions of our physical world and the dynamics of interconnected systems have attracted the greatest minds of our present time. Science is quantitative, honing measurements and creating new technology based on those measurements. Scientists are close to really convincing all people of this world that the physical world does not exist in spite of appearances to contrary. This is not the main point of Buddhism. We believe in a qualitative view, honing the basis of our perceptual being. Yes, life is illusory but the lessons are very real!" ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche~~~ Las descripciones de nuestro mundo físico y las dinámicas de los sistemas interconectados han atraído a las grandes mentes de nuestro tiempo presente. La ciencia es quantitativa, perfeccionando medidas y creando una nueva tecnología basada en esas medidas. Los científicos están muy cerca de convencer a la gente, que el mundo físico no existe a pesar de que las apariencias digan lo contrario. Este no es el punto pr...

Less Feminism, More Equality

"I am not a feminist but listening to the times. Women of this present world are not bound by traditional work anymore, isn’t that so? Even forty years ago, Western women were expected to marry, produce children and stay at home regardless of personal choices. So rare to pursue a full time spiritual career because their entire time and expectations were taken away. The expectations of society allowed them spirituality, but not a spiritual career. That has changed. Intelligent men and women of the West are being looked at very carefully as the guardians, the next wave" ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Yo no soy feminista, solamente escucho el tiempo. La mujer de hoy día no está limitada a dedicarse enteramente a los trabajos típicos que se esperan de la mujer. No es así ? Aún cuarenta años atrás se esperaba que la mujer de occidente se casara, tuviera hijos y se quedara en su casa sin importar lo que ella quisiera. Era muy raro que dedicara toda su vida a seguir una carrera espi...

Your Body is Like a Jeweled Cup!

"What ideal life situation supports a spiritually evolving person? We hold many unactivated potential life directions within our karmic environment created from unfulfilled karmas since beginningless time up to our just previous moment. If we see our present human body and mind as a container, what kind is it? Is it an old battered tin cup with a hole in it, or a magnificent jeweled cup to contain our life force and spiritual actions?" ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche~~~ "Welche ideale Lebenssituation wirkt unterst ützend auf eine sich spirituell entwickelnde Person? Unser karmisches Umfeld enthält viele nicht aktivierte potentielle Lebensrichtungen, die aus noch nicht erfülltem Karma aus anfangloser Zeit bis zum gerade gewesenen Moment geschaffen sind. Wenn wir unseren gegenwärtigen menschlichen Körper und Geist als Gefäss sehen, was für eine Art Gefäss ist das dann? Ist es eine alte zerdellte Blechtasse mit einem Loch oder eine prächtige mit Juwelen verzierte Schale, in der unsere...

A Monk Needs to Make a Decision

The brain is only a processing unit, the mind is in the heart! A monk was challenged to drink whiskey, kill a goat, or have relations with a woman, all were against his monk vows. He thought the whiskey was the lesser sin of the three and drank it. While drunk, he killed and ate the goat and had relations with the woman. Even you not a monk, there are small non virtues that can damage your values and good qualities. Guard your mind with kindness and don't rise to inappropriate challenges ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Ein Mönch muss sich entscheiden Das Hirn ist nur ein Verarbeitungszentrum. Der Geist wohnt im Herzen! Ein Mönch wurde dazu herausgefordert Whiskey zu trinken, eine Ziege zu schlachten oder sich mit einer Frau einzulassen, was alles gegen s ... ein Mönchsgelübde verstieß. Er dachte, der Whiskey sei das kleinste Übel von den dreien und trank ihn. Als er betrunken war, tötete er die Ziege und aß sie und ließ sich mit der Frau ein. Selbst wenn Du kein Mönch bist...

Siblings can be Awful to a Meditator!

Remember when you you could tease your sister and make her cry? It was something you were good at. Perhaps that sister is a now a meditator and your teasing does not work anymore because she has changed and has choices. She could pretend that she is still the way she used to be, or she could tell you, “I’m not like that anymore.” This holiday season, can family and friends still get you going, or have you changed? We can choose to think, “My goodness, they really got me going there a minute ago but I recovered my balance. I won't be angry, crabby, or deaden my feelings because I am changing. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~ ~ "Erinnerst Du Dich an die Zeit als Du Deine Schwester ärgern konntest bis sie weinte? Du warst gut darin. Vielleicht ist Deine Schwester jetzt eine Meditiererin und Dein Ärgern funktioniert nicht mehr, weil sie sich verändert hat und jetzt Entscheidungsfreiheit hat. Sie könnte so tun, als ob sie immernoch so wäre wie sie mal war, oder sie könnte Dir sagen:"Ic...