What does Tantric practice mean?
The male/female dynamic described in Tantric literature is an analogy for an inner development process. However, it was never about sex, otherwise the enlightened state would only be a higher sexual gratification paradise! I am uncertain that the use of male/female to describe it is so useful anymore. The scope of openness in the earlier times regarding energetic training seems to have become damaged by sexual abuse, as well as the changing and evolving roles that also define gender identities. Any practice that is not bodhichitta altruism at its core, middling levels and outer levels is only worldly religion of orgasmic power seeking in the name of spirituality. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ""Bei der männlich/weiblichen Dynamik die in tantrischer Literatur beschrieben wird handelt es sich um eine Analogie für einen inneren Entwicklungsprozess. Es ging dabei allerdings nie um Sex, denn sonst wäre der erleuchtete Zustand nur ein Paradies für größere sexuelle Befriedigung! Ich bin ...