
Showing posts from July 11, 2010

What does Tantric practice mean?

The male/female dynamic described in Tantric literature is an analogy for an inner development process. However, it was never about sex, otherwise the enlightened state would only be a higher sexual gratification paradise! I am uncertain that the use of male/female to describe it is so useful anymore. The scope of openness in the earlier times regarding energetic training seems to have become damaged by sexual abuse, as well as the changing and evolving roles that also define gender identities. Any practice that is not bodhichitta altruism at its core, middling levels and outer levels is only worldly religion of orgasmic power seeking in the name of spirituality. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ""Bei der männlich/weiblichen Dynamik die in tantrischer Literatur beschrieben wird handelt es sich um eine Analogie für einen inneren Entwicklungsprozess. Es ging dabei allerdings nie um Sex, denn sonst wäre der erleuchtete Zustand nur ein Paradies für größere sexuelle Befriedigung! Ich bin ...

It is Impossible to Own Anything

It is impossible to own anything: possessions, cars, or even family. That is because it is illusory. However, we do have a correct illusory responsibility to care for what is in our arena! ~DGR "Es ist unmöglich, irgend etwas zu besitzen: Eigentum, Autos, sogar die Familie. Weil all dies illuso ... risch ist. Allerdings obliegt uns die korrekte illusorische Verantwortung, uns um das zu kümmern, was in unserem Umfeld ist!" DGR "Es imposible tenerlo todo: propiedades, autos, o incluso familia. Eso se debe a que es ilusorio. Sin embargo, sí tenemos una responsabilidad ilusoria correcta a la atención de lo que está en nuestro campo!" DGR"

Your Mind is Your Inner Being

Your mind is your inner being. That is why practice is done with the mind; it must become transformed and its intense gaze moved from outer phenomena to inner phenomena. If this is done mechanically by drugs rather than correct meditation, the mind could become damaged. However, the mind exists in quantum levels and that is where the actual inner development happens. It is an organic process that must be facilitated and not done roughly. Take care of your inner being. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Dein Geist ist Dein inneres Wesen. Deshalb praktiziert man mit dem Geist; er muss transformiert werden und sein intensiver Blick muss sich von äußeren auf innere Phänomene richten. Wenn dies mechanisch durch Drogen geschieht anstatt durch korrekte Meditation könnte der Geist geschädigt werden. Allerdings existiert der Geist auf Quantenebenen und dort passiert die eigentliche innere Entwicklung. Dies ist ein organischer Prozess, der angeleitet werden muss, anstatt auf raue Weise zu geschehen...

Domo Geshe teaching at Sufi Center Berlin- Rumi and Atisha

Sheikh Esref Efendi und Domo Geshe Rinpoche from on Vimeo .

Relating to Lu, Nagas; the Serpent Beings

Lu are part of the natural world. In India they are called nagas or serpent/beings, but they are not snakes. These living beings are very real but not material. They guard the structural integrity of the grid of manifestation of this world. Their function as guardians can create seeming conflicts between the desires of ... humans and the needs of the ecology and environmental stability. When distressed by pollution, the anger of these beings can sometimes even lead to droughts, earthquakes or illnesses. Special training allows some people to listen to the concerns of lu and relay their warnings to those who are damaging the environment. There are methods to relax and circumvent these concerns, however, in the long run, this is not the solution. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche "Die Lu sind ein Teil der natürlichen Welt. In Indien heißen sie Nagas oder Schlangenwesen, aber sie sind keine Schlangen. Diese Lebewesen sind sehr real aber nicht materiell vorhanden....

Thought for Wednesday on Transitional Rejoicing (read in Eng,Sp,Fr,Ger,It)

I rejoice in the clarity that you have developed. Even a little bit of purification makes you more capable to speak, live and work from that clearer space you have created due to the removal of some obstacles blocking your awaking to the enlightened state. Do not worry about the pollution from the remaining obstacles at this moment. The remaining obstacles are like a noisy neighbor, who pounds on your walls, and plays rock and roll music at 2 a.m. You can go nuts, or perhaps join them in the loud music and pounding on the walls! You can also choose to fight them, if you believe you are stronger than the remaining delusions. On the other hand, you can choose to not look at them. The technique I would encourage is not looking at your obstacles, because dwelling on them feeds them energy, increasing the intensity. For God’s sake, do not invite them in to chat, and do not associate with them. You can be separated from your suffering! This is yoga dharma! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ Me alegro ...

Can We Share Our Sense of Taste?

In general, all of our senses are purely subjective and the experiences can only be shared by using expressions such as speaking or other clues. The bare experiences of the senses are changed by becoming mixed with a complex set of perceptions including personal self worth, along with our more changeable states of happiness and suffering. However, the raw data of what stimulates taste, for example, is not subjective. That is why recipes can be shared and enjoyed by many, because they generally appeal to the tastes of many. Similarly, the teachings of the dharma, a cosmic recipe for higher development, appeal to the subjective sense of consciousness while remaining as objective inner and outer data. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche "Im allgemeinen sind unsere Sinne völlig subjektiv und Erfahrungen können nur geteilt werden, indem man sich durch Sprache oder andere Schlüssel verständigt. Die nackten Erfahrungen der Sinne werden verändert, da sie sich mit einer komplexen Reihe v...

Renounce the Underpinnings of Suffering

Renounce the underpinnings of suffering (self-cherishing, grasping and expectations) and your suffering will disappear. Suffering cannot arise after these obstacles are gone. Therefore, there is a direct link between self cherishing, grasping, expectation, and seemingly unrelated suffering. The suffering is smoke and mirrors of the actual problem. Domo Geshe Rinpoche Entsage den Dingen, die das Leiden unterstützen (Egozentrik, Anhaftung und Erwartungen) und Dein Leiden wird verschwinden. Wenn diese Hindernisse nicht mehr da sind, kann kein Leiden mehr entstehen. Deshalb gibt es eine direkte Verbindung zwischen Egozentrik, Anhaftung und Erwartung und dem scheinbar in keinem Zusammenhang stehenden Leiden. Das Leiden ist wie Schall und Rauch des eigentlichen Problems." DGR"

Be a Witness, a Banker, an Anarchist, a Fish

Be a witness, a banker, an anarchist, a fish. Be the objective and compassionate witness to your own life. Be a banker, dedicating the merit from virtuous deeds such as meditation toward your enlightenment day. Be an anarchist, blowing up your own delusions. Be a fish, silently moving the mind in the stillness of deep med itation. This is dharma! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ ‎"Sei ein Zeuge, ein Bankier, ein Anarchist, ein Fisch. Sei der objektive und mitfühlende Zeuge Deines eigenen Lebens. Sei ein Bankier, der den Verdienst tugendhafter Handlungen, wie die Meditation, dem Tag seiner Erleuchtung widmet. Sei ein Anarchist und sprenge Deine Selbsttäuschung in die Luft. Sei ein Fisch, der den Geist in der Stille tiefer Meditation bewegt. So ist das Dharma!" - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---

Thought for Thursday on Compassion Power (read in Eng,Sp,Fr,Ger,It)

“The ceaseless movement of compassion is like storms on the sun throwing off huge energies in response to the needs of living beings”~Domo Geshe Rinpoche “El movimiento incesante de la compasión parece a tormentas en el sol que tira energías enormes en respuesta a las necesidades de criaturas” ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche “Le mouvement continuel de compassion ressemble aux tempêtes sur le soleil ôtant d'énormes énergies en vitesse en réponse aux besoins d'êtres vivants” ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche "Die unaufhörliche Bewegung des Mitfühlens ist Stürmen auf der Sonne ähnlich, die riesige Energien als Antwort auf die Bedürfnisse nach Wesen abwirft" ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche "L'incessante movimento di compassione è come tempeste sul sole buttare fuori enormi energie in risposta alle esigenze degli esseri viventi" ~ Domo Ghesce Rinpoce

Overnight Sensation!

Rough mental gymnastics are not a part of Buddhism. instead, the mind is made pliable and prepared for insights to arrive spontaneously. I hear about "overnight sensations" in singing or other talents that turn out to be people doing hard work for decades preparing for their sudden rise to fame! Buddhist insights are like this also... steady preparation for effortless attainments! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche "Raue geistige Gymnastik gehört nicht zum Buddhismus. Stattdessen macht man den Geist geschmeidig und bereit dafür spontane Einsichten zu empfangen. Ich habe davon gehört, dass Sänger oder andere Talente 'über Nacht berühmt' wurden, aber es stellt sich dann heraus, dass sie Menschen sind, die sich seit Jahrzehnten mit harter Arbeit auf ihren plötzlichen Durchbruch vorbereitet haben! So verhält es sich auch mit buddhistischen Einsichten... stetige Vorbereitung auf mühelose Fertigkeiten!" - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---