How Long Should We Take for a Retreat?
Meditation and learning while you are at a group, private or semi-private retreat will give you an opportunity to have an extended immersion in meditation and learning, free from everyday concerns and distractions. The opportunity to be near the lama, receiving guidance and formal teachings is so valuable and rare. Preferably, you will arrange for to be gone for three years, but if we do not have three years to give for inner transformation, then at least three months; but if we do not have three months, then at least a month to work on spiritual development in a formal setting! Not a month? Okay, ten days, ten days. We will see how much can be done in ten days. If we do not even have ten days to spare away from ordinary life, then we shall do it slowly-quickly in a weekend. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Wie lange sollten wir uns für ein Retreat Zeit nehmen? Durch Meditation und Lernen während eines Gruppen-, Einzel- oder Halbeinzelretreats bekommst Du die Möglichkeit ausfü...