
Showing posts from February 12, 2012

Memory, Spring retreats in Wisconsin, Mind Training to Overcome Fear

  We don't remember our past by the passing of time but by the residual imprints of our significant experiences, the roadside markers of our journey. From these signposts it is possible to delve and expand into our memory for details surrounding that experience, such as date, others present and how we felt. The feelings are then re-aroused (how emotions are remembered ) and brought into conscious awareness. This is how the human mind innocently works. The awakening to reality (enlightenment) uses that same process to purify by generating wholesome new experiences that don't bring up disturbing emotions that are further muddying and confusing our present circumstances. Meditation experiences, practicing loving kindness and the development of the true altruistic spirit are only a few of Great Dharmas healing techniques. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Wir erinnern uns nicht an unsere Vergangenheit weil die Zeit vergeht, sondern durch die zurückbleibenden Eindrüc...

Buddhism for Smart Folks!

The many therapeutic perceptions of Buddhism are meant to bring the individual into balance, not for them to hold it like a hammer over others! Buddhist concepts are like medicine to be taken for a particular confusion. Those who self medic ate are like someone acting as their own lawyer! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Die vielen therapeutischen Sichtweisen im Buddhismus sollten den Einzelnen ins Gleichgewicht bringen und nicht von ihm wie ein Hammer gegenüber Anderen eingesetzt werden! Sie sind wie Medizin, die man gegen eine bestimmte Art der Verwirrung einnimmt. Wer sich selbst medizinisch behandelt ist wie jemand, der sich als sein eigener Anwalt vertritt!" - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---~ Las muchas percepciones terapeuticas de el Budismo son para traer un balance al individuo, no para ke lo sostengan como un martillo sobre otros! los conceptos Budistas son como un medicina para un confucion particular, aquellos que se automedican actuan bajo su propia ley. DGR ...