Thought for Friday on Mandala Matrix (share in Eng,Sp,Fr,Ger,It)
I have developed a project in order to understand further my initial insights regarding what I am calling the Personal Mandala Matrix. I have done much new research with the wonderful assistance of Dr Capri Fillmore, a medical researcher and physician and Dr Mitzi Forbes a PHD researcher. What is the Mandala Matrix? Number one, The Mandala Matrix is your perceptions. Number two, it is the living process of intensities of energy. Number three, it is the dynamic between perceptions. So these three, we can use as an explanation of what the Mandala Matrix is. I share with you just a bit from a series of examinations on the Mandala Matrix of individuals. In the future, I am hoping that others will come forward to develop a machine such as CAT scan that can diagnose disease mechanically in the way that I can do with my mind. I will freely offer the valuable data at the end of the study to forward the development of an in depth diagnostic that seems to indicate the presence of far more disord...