Discover Natural Enthusiasm
Everyone should be happy! We might hold this or other uplifting ideas from an early age as being right and true values to live by. We want to discover a natural enthusiasm, which bubbles up from our nature. We also wish to know how to acquire that nature without artificial means. Many new age philosophies believe that there is a human optimism, which is in the process of emerging as an evolutionary movement. The approach of this event will create a dynamic energetic outflow until a critical mass is reached and everyone breaks through to a new way of being simultaneously, a sort of group enlightenment. This is also a type of spiritual naive optimism; it needs to discover pragmatic methods to overcome the many obstacles to the state where everyone is healthy, happy, and spiritually whole. That pragmatic approach will be unafraid to delve into the causes of suffering and courageously overcome obstacles. This is the way to awakening, but it can only happen in the individ...