Seeing Others as Second to Me
"Our challenge is to overcome a natural feeling of seeing all others as secondary to ourselves. For example, if a two year-old playing with other children becomes angry, they might bite their little friend. However, if their little friend bites them back, they are shocked and cry. In the ways that small children learn, it will not take long before they don't bite their friends any more. We learn by behavioral adjustment to be nice to others because we do not want to be bitten our self. This is direct learning. Like that, we apply that learning to adjust our behavior so we do not experience something that we perpetrate on others because we are going to get it back ourselves. Most folks live their whole life in this way. The reason why they are nice to other people is so that others will be nice to them. This golden rule is an outstanding method to help us remember that if we do not want to experience difficulty from others, we do not give them difficulty. Although this is an ...