Black Velvet Paintings and other compulsions....
Serious spiritual practitioners need to guard and protect their accomplishments from decaying or contamination. One traditional way is to maintain more secrecy. Good meditators do not blurt out experiences and dreams to those that they kno w have little respect. They wait until they can confide in their spiritual mentor for these deep discussions. In this way, we can maintain good relationships with others by using our new-found bodhisattva skills. Because some friends and family have great faith, while others have no faith at all, we can use true compassion, love, and kindness to make this a non-issue. In addition, if we make extra effort to generate careful compassion toward others who may be confused, they will never think that we are showing off or demeaning their spirituality. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ „Ernsthaft spirituell Übende müssen ihre Errungenschaften vor dem Verfall oder vor Verunreinigung schützen. Eine traditionelle Methode ist die Geheimhaltung. Gute Übende posaunen ...