
Showing posts from May 13, 2012

Conundrums, Summer Retreat in Wisconsin, Free Podcast on Courage

Once existence is established in one form realm or another, it tends to remain fairly stable with predictable changes. At the end of that form existence there is a grand transition before arising in another form. We need to make effort now, before the end of life takes us away to an unknown and predictably worse situation due to unresolved errors created in this life. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~~ Wenn sich die Existenz erst in diesem oder jenem Formbereich etabliert hat, bleibt sie normalerweise recht stabil und Veränderungen sind vorhersehbar. Am Ende jener Existenz innerhalb einer Form geschieht der große Übergang, bevor man in anderer Form wieder erscheint. Wir müssen und jetzt anstrengen, bevor uns das Lebensende, aufgrund von ungelösten Fehlern aus diesem Leben. in eine unbekannte und voraussichtlich schlimmere Situation entführt." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche --- White Conch Summer Retreat 2012 July 6-July 29  Three Sessions to Choose From In This Issue Come to...

Female Domo Geshe Rinpoche Biography

Domo Geshe Rinpoche is a reincarnate Lama of the Geluk tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The Domo Geshe Rinpoche lineage includes Je Pabongka Rinpoche, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and the great Geshe Jampa Chombe. As a reincarnate, Rinpoche has accomplished extensive training and retreats in the traditional manner. Rinpoche's current incarnation has been teaching in the United States for a number of years, held numerous retreats and given other spiritual training from the Geluk and tantric lineage. The current Western incarnation of Domo Geshe Rinpoche arrived through rare and powerful tantric methods in order to transmit the authentic Dharma to students in the Western cultural context. This incarnation is considered unusual in that she has arisen in the form of an adult, a Westerner, and female. Much of the information regarding the previous incarnations of Domo Geshe Rinpoche was lost in the invasion of Tibet in 1959. Efforts have been made by many individuals to piece together inform...

The Healthy Ego, White Conch and other Buddhist musings...

It is the healthy ego that experiences the transformation of enlightenment.... now to gain understanding regarding what is a healthy ego.  Ego is an organizing principle and tool and should become trained and purified before abandoning it. Otherwise it would be like abandoning your ship on the way to a destination. However, the eventual dismantling of the ego/innate view structure still does not c ause reality to arise. It is simply a new platform to work from, where personal issues are not primary. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Es ist das gesunde Ego, welches die Transformation der Erleuchtung erlebt... nun gilt es zu verstehen, was ein gesundes Ego ist. Das Ego ist ein organisatorisches Prinzip und ein Werkzeug und man sollte es ausbilden und reinigen, bevor man es aufgibt. Sonst wäre es, als ob man ein Schiff auf dem Weg zum Ziel verließe. Jedoch verursacht das letztendliche Aufgeben des Egos/der Struktur der angeborenen Sichtweise noch immer nicht, dass die Realität zum Vorsc...