Quitting Meditation and the Inner Referent
It’s common among Western people to stop meditating when they feel anxious. Why? It's also quite usual for Westerners to stop meditating when they feel sick or under stress. Why? This is a total mystery; these are times when they should be doing more meditation, and not less or stopping altogether. If you don’t make effort to overcome these cultural tendencies, how will others know how in the future, (some of whom you might be teaching). If you have developed poor meditation habits, how can you help others in the future when they get into problems? So, even if you can’t meditate regularly for your own sake because you have problems, think about the possibility that you could be assisting others in the future to learn meditation. Even if you are not teaching or supporting others spiritually in the future, you are still part of a living dynamic of practitioners within your culture and country that brings positive benefit to all. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ „Unter westlichen ...