
Showing posts from June 6, 2010

Where do we Begin to Learn Compassion?

Where to begin learning compassion? We begin by remembering feeling bad when we received hate and disrespect. (Checkmark!) Then, we admire others who display compassion instead of roughness. (Done!) Next, we discuss with ourself which direction we choose to go in our relationship with others. (Check, check!) Slowly, we try out our new strategies... grow in confidence .. then become convinced that compassion gets better results.... Hooray!! DGR

Releasing the Painful Past

Teaching tonight in Berlin "Releasing the Painful Past" We cannot become free when obstacles from the past haunt us! What makes this different from the model of psychological wellness is the Mahayana motivation. We must become free of obstacles that prevent us from entering the awakened state - not for our own sakes, ... but for the sake of all living beings who are waiting for us to finish and wake up so that we can assist them from the suffering they also are enduring! DGR

Act Natural!

Act natural! This traditional Buddhist advice means stop pretending/being pretentious with others and yourself. Be honest with others and yourself. Don't be indulgent with mental states that you know to be harmful. Relax the mind and body while holding virtue. It might seem complicated, but with practice, we can act natural, bringing ourselves and others great joy! DGR

The Buddha cares for my life this way

Refraining from moving, energy stagnates Returning mind to source, the door remains open The space inside and the space outside are the same The Buddha cares for my life this way ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~ "Verhinderte Bewegung, Energie staut sich Kehrt Geist zum Ursprung zurück bleibt die Tür offen Innerer und äusserer Raum sind sich gleich So umsorgt der Buddha mein Leben" DGR

The way we use karma, is it good or bad?

Karma is a harsh judgment when we use it as a tool in an argument. Karma is a powerfully transformative tool when we see everything in and around us, as ripening of our own previous actions, our karma. DGR " "Karma ist harte Verurteilung wenn wir es als Werkzeug in einem Streit benutzen. Karma ist ein machtvolles transformatives Werkzeug wenn wir alles in und um uns herum als das Heranreifen unserer früheren Handlungen, unseres Karmas, sehen." DGR"

Lemonade for the Crabby Person!

The old saying is "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" However, for most folks, it is quite the other way round... When life gives you lemonade, make lemons! How often we take our sweet good luck and stir in negativity, fear and grasping! Soon we are all sour again! DGR

Time is, and is not Illusory

It appears that there is an actual past, present and future, but there are multiple perceptual systems that confuse how events are channeled into our senses. There is a special difference between the perception of illusory time and the actual arisal, sustaining and falling away that happens simultaneously in the corre ct conventional method. It is easy to understand that there is no past or future without the present moment. Now is the only time that events actually happen. Memory records it (now), to play back in an appearance that is called the past. Preparation makes the karma (now) to experience other anticipated events in another kind of appearance called the future. DGR "Es scheint als ob es Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft wirklich gibt, aber wie die Ereignisse unsere Sinne erreichen wird durch vielfältige Wahrnehmungssysteme durcheinander gebracht. Es besteht ein besonderer Unterschied zwischen der Wahrnehmung von illusorischer Zeit und...

Waking Up!

In accordance with previous actions your karma has ripened into denser manifestation. In addition, your hidden and potential karma acts as support structure for the manifest body, speech and mind that is you. In other words, you are helplessly arising as you! That might please or displease you, either way, that is your current basis for gaining development. Buddhism is more practical than you might think and does not work from a fantasy position to prepare for enlightenment! Domo Geshe Rinpoche Dein Karma ist in Übereinstimmung mit Deinen früheren Handlungen zu einer dichteren Manifestation herangereift. Außerdem agiert Dein verborgenes und potentielles Karma als unterstützende Struktur für den manifestierten Körper, die Rede und den Geist, die Dich ausmachen. Mit anderen Worten gesagt, entstehst Du völlig machtlos als Du Selbst! Egal ob Dir das angenehm oder unangenehm ist - es ist jedenfalls Deine augenblickliche Basis, um Dich weiter zu entwickeln. Der Buddhismus ist praktischer als...

...and not abandon sentient beings........

Surely, every living being has at least one good quality! We must be careful of cutting off others in our deep respect for their potential for enlightenment because they have acted badly. Even a single person that we eliminate destroys the very basis of all sentient beings for our practice, profound equanimity. Practice today by acknowledging that some one you despise.. the president of BP, an ex-husband or wife, someone that has hurt you, etc... has a minimum of a single good quality that deserves your respect.... Later, we can respect those without even a single good quality at the present, but still possess the potential for enlightenment! This is how the Great Dharma is put into daily meaningful practice. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ „Sicherlich hat jedes lebende Wesen mindestens eine gute Eigenschaft! Wir müssen vorsichtig sein, dass wir andere nicht von unserem tiefen Respekt für ihr Potenzial zur Erleuchtung abschneiden, nur weil sie sich sc...

Beloveds of the Buddhas

The duet of wisdom and compassion calls out the names of the beloveds of the Buddhas in song so sweet that sages are made capable of flying. DGR "Das Duett von Weisheit und Mitgefühl ruft die Namen der Geliebten der Buddhas in solch süßen Tönen, daß die Weisen imstande werden zu fliegen." DGR