Toilet Training of a Higher Quantum Order
Looking for solace and peace without working toward transformation is like trying to get a breath of fresh air at the dump ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ The "Chart of Changes" are eternal. Perhaps we could call it "Toilet Training of a Higher Quantum Order"! However, because we feel cared for by the compassion of Lord Buddha, we refer to the guidance offered as Buddhism. Therefore His suggestions of what worked for him can still be utilized as a chart of changes for our own awakening. This is the blending of faith, knowledge and practice. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Die "Karten der Wandlung" gelten fuer die Ewigkeit. Vielleicht koennten wir sie 'Reinlichkeitserziehung in einer hoeheren Quantenordnung' nennen! Wenn wir uns jedoch durch das Mitgefuehl des Buddha behuetet fuehlen, bezeichnen wir die angebotene Fuehrung als Buddhismus. Deshalb koennen seine Anregungen darueber was fuer ihn gut funktioniert hat immernoch als Karte der Wandl...