
Showing posts from April 10, 2011

Toilet Training of a Higher Quantum Order

Looking for solace and peace without working toward transformation is like trying to get a breath of fresh air at the dump ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~  The "Chart of Changes" are eternal. Perhaps we could call it "Toilet Training of a Higher Quantum Order"! However, because we feel cared for by the compassion of Lord Buddha, we refer to the guidance offered as Buddhism. Therefore His suggestions of what worked for him can still be utilized as a chart of changes for our own awakening. This is the blending of faith, knowledge and practice. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Die "Karten der Wandlung" gelten fuer die Ewigkeit. Vielleicht koennten wir sie 'Reinlichkeitserziehung in einer hoeheren Quantenordnung' nennen! Wenn wir uns jedoch durch das Mitgefuehl des Buddha behuetet fuehlen, bezeichnen wir die angebotene Fuehrung als Buddhismus. Deshalb koennen seine Anregungen darueber was fuer ihn gut funktioniert hat immernoch als Karte der Wandl...

Touchstone Therapy

 Keep a lucky mindset! Not only do we not fix it by our anger but we make a bad situation even worse! Touchstone therapy: Finding healing and renewal by reconnecting. It could be locating an old friend who holds the other perspective of a meaningful shared experience. Perhaps for you touchstone is coming across an object that meant so much to you, was lost and has returned to your hands. For some, touchstone grounding brings value when returning home to visit and stabilize before setting off again. While living in a solidified world such as the human realm, we easily imbue people and objects with a kind of personal sacred energy. They are your healing touchstones.  ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Pruefsteintherapie: Man findet Heilung und Erneuerung, indem man sich wieder verbindet. Vielleicht findet man einen alten Freund wieder, der eine andere Perspektive auf ein bedeutsames gemeinsames Erlebnis hat. Vielleicht ist es fuer Dich ein Pruefstein, ein Ding zu finden, d...

Blue Jean Buddhists

$500 Matching Donation - Today Only! An Anonymous Donor will generously contribute up to $500 in matching funds TODAY ONLY!      (Tuesday April 12)  This means that someone will match your donation and any others, up to $500 total, so don't let these funds go to waste. So, $10 is like $20 today!   <-- Click to watch the video and contribute __________________________________   Also, please remember that the success of this campaign will come when you personally invite 10 of your close friends to contribute $10 . Please write 10 personal emails with a heart-felt message inviting your friends and family to support something that is near and dear to your heart. Many thanks for all of your support thus far!   Click the graphic above to watch a video, share on facebook and more. Please follow Norbu House on Facebook and Twitter! Facebook fan pages and Twitter allows us (th...

Not Much to Say About Ultimate Truth

Really not much to say about ultimate truth, however relative truth is varied and quite malleable as it is rooted in the illusory. Because of that, we have an even greater responsibility to develop a high quality conventional life that is based on timeless universal values of wisdom and compassion. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Ueber die endgueltige Wahrheit laesst sich wirklich nicht viel sagen; jedoch ist die relative Wahrheit recht unterschiedlich und biegsam, da sie im Illusorischen begruendet ist. Und deshalb haben wir eine noch groessere Verantwortung, ein hochqualitatives konventionelles Leben zu entwickeln, dass auf zeitlosen, universellen Werten der Weisheit und des Mitgefuehls basiert." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---