The Dumbing Down of Our True Nature (part three)
All Buddhists pray to the inhabitants of the great realms of learning and progress such as the pure lands of the Buddhas and the bodhisattvas, in their realms, requesting release of the practitioner from the suffering human realm experience, isn't that so? These realms are visualized in Tantric practice and are described so the meditator can make connections to the Buddha and guidance beings associated with the Great Path to perfection of that higher realm. Enlightened beings that emanate into this world to benefit those living under the acknowledged imperfect conditions here encourage people to not think this world is a final destiny of their evolution. As I have said in a previous column, science is now agreeing with Buddhism regarding the nature of physical reality. Science is now beginning the exploration of the interface between consciousness and the world. For example, the erratic behavior of an electron stabilizes due to perception and has location, otherwise it only rem...