A Direct Relationship with Tomatoes
Strong wind is blowing snow noisily across the big window. While bright sunshine throws rainbows inside, the fraying outdoor prayer flags are straining to hold onto their rope... I have a relationship with the tomatoes that grow in my nearby garden. It is a good relationship filled with many happy memories. Others may have different kinds of relationships with tomatoes, isn’t that so? Some folks express a limited relationship by only eating them out of a can or in a restaurant, but others further relate to tomatoes by watering, weeding, picking and preserving them. Like that, in our Buddhist or other spiritual practice, we don’t want a convoluted and stylized process that tastes “canned”! We want our very important connection with higher being to be clear, simple, and straightforward. Our alignment should be direct with the Buddha, right? That is the function of Vajrayana practice, to actually meet the Buddha. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Ich habe eine Beziehung zu...