Thought for Saturday on inefficient prayer (read in Eng,Sp,Fr,Ger,It)
“Formal prayer can become energetically confusing, wondering if we are doing it right. Often people cannot pray effectively because they genuinely start out praying for another, and are suddenly stimulated to remember some personal feeling or need. Soon they are not praying for someone else, but for themselves. They struggling with balance between personal needs and praying to higher being on behalf of another. If uncertainty is too great, they might say, "Okay, now I am finished," and rush off gratefully to make a cup of tea. Without feeling energetic closure, an answer, or that anything has actually happened, they could still say, "Yes I did prayers." There are many who insist that they pray every day, but are their formal prayers effective? We live in a society where people feel that time is money, and you are about to embark on an activity that requires time, isn’t that so? If you are going to be most efficient, you want to think that the time you spend on this ...