
Showing posts from January 9, 2011

Thinking about Pratekyabuddhas

KARMA FOR THE DHARMA Thinking about pratekyabuddha state this morning. It is said to be a self-made buddha awakening without guidance. Meditating on this, it would be impossible for a pratekyabuddha to arise in this world, because the atmosphere of dharma guidance in many forms fully permeates here. I can only reason that this is a logical congruity explai ning how buddhas might arrive in realms where the dharma is weak or has disappeared, in order to rebuild the liberating path. If someone is so damaged in their trust or arrogant that they cannot accept suitable assistance, they may fancy themselves to be following the pratekyabuddha path. There are no pratekyabuddhas in this world, thank goodness! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Heute früh dachte ich über den Zustand eines Pratekyabuddhas nach. Man sagt, dies sei ein selbst erzeugter Buddha, der ohne Führung erwacht ist. Meine Meditation darüber ergab, dass es für einen Pratekyabuddha unmöglich wäre auf dieser Welt zu ers...

The Eight Worldly Dharmas, Norbu Retreat short video

The eight worldly concerns in the Buddhist context are a list describing samsaric mind training, which turns the mind away from seeking inner development, the perceptual passage to real freedom and happiness. Yet, most people undertake lifelong austerities to gain the result of worldly successes, with no time or interest left for thin gs that are more important. There is even an abundance of seminars enticing us to train in the eight worldly concerns, (but naturally, they cost a lot of money.) Performing great austerities to gain the result of worldly mind training will eventually result in further suffering, when gaining objects is equated with lasting happiness. This helpful and skillful set of observations distilled from an enlightened and compassionate viewpoint returns our minds toward the liberating path to the awakened state. The eight worldly dharmas are in opposite pairs; both describe suffering: Getting what you want, and avoiding getting what you do not w...

Norbu Retreat House and Hospice Update!

No one deserves to have an ordinary mind! Both side walls of the great room are up... roof beams arrive soon and end wall goes up this morning. Norbu Retreat House and Hospice is becoming a reality! Please continue to support this important effort, creating an opportunity for Buddhists to do retreats from 2days to 3months. tribute.html May your ... merits and successes increase due to your generosity. We need $2500 very soon for the copper roof. Can you put a roof over the head of a future Bodhisattva? ~~~~ ""Beide Seitenwände des großen Raums stehen jetzt... die Dachbalken kommen bald und die hintere Wand wird heute morgen noch aufgerichtet. Norbu Retreathaus und Hospiz werden nach und nach wahr! Bitte unterstütze dieses wichtige Projekt weiter, das eine Möglichkeit für Buddhisten sein wird Retreats von 2 Tagen bis zu 3 Monaten abzuhalten. 9; te.html Mögen Deine Verdien...

My Karmic Car Accident

My big car accident in Santa Rosa. I was driving legally, as I am a pretty good driver. I had a green light, ready to cross an intersection; coming toward me is a nice-looking fellow in a small convertible classic sports car. I noticed him because he had such a happy expression on his face but pretty far away mentally, just enjoyin g himself, out for a drive. That’s when he turned left in front of me. As we came together, I jammed on the brake so hard and fast that my leg just went “boom, like a rocket. Meanwhile, I am still looking at this fellow with a smile on his face. He finally sees me at the moment our cars came together like a kiss! I thought, ‘Oh, I am so fortunate! All of the accident karma I have accumulated by driving these many years, I accomplished with no difficulty whatsoever. Really, I am so lucky!’ ~DGR ~~~~ ""Mein großer Autounfall in Santa Rosa. Ich fuhr nach Vorschrift, weil ich eine recht gute Fahrerin bin. Die Ampel war grün, ic...

How to Quiet the Mind - short video

A Cynics Reward

If we are conceited, callous, cynical, and find it easy to use others, this attitude will come to fruition, just like a prayer of the gentle and compassionate to be reborn in the pure land or heaven. Becoming adept at spontaneous ignorant prayer will result in being immersed in a future life where the cynic will be a minor note, suff ering in a vastly cynical world. This is a type of preta realm. We must watch our thoughts now and repair how we think about and treat others so that we will not weep later, caught up in illusory dramas and not finding virtue anywhere. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Wenn wir eingebildet, herzlos, zynisch sind und es uns leicht fällt andere zu benutzen, wird diese Einstellung Früchte tragen, genau so wie das Gebet eines sanftmütigen, mitfühlenden Menschen, der im reinen Bereich oder im Himmel wiedergeboren werden möchte. Wenn man geübt im spontanen, unverständigen Gebet ist wird daraus ein zukünftiges Leben resultieren, in dem der Zynische e...

The Five Superpowers of Buddhism

One of my Russian friends sent me a translated birthday greeting.. Domo Geshe translated as Expensive House... Perhaps until Norbu Retreat House and Hospice is finished I will be known as Expensive House Rinpoche! From the seven-point mind training text, “The essence of the guideline’s instruction is applying the five forces: training in the preliminaries, training conventional mind, ultimate mind, transforming difficulties, and integrating them into a single lifetime” You know, right now in thinking about the five forces, I see in my mind a ca rtoon of five superheroes, as I saw on television. These seemingly ordinary young people have the power to transform themselves into superheroes, each with a special costume! Then they assume brave stances standing in a row. These are the five powers of practice. Like them, even though we might feel incapable of higher development, through the five powers….boom, boom, boom, whoosh! So we don’t worry, the five powers will be with u...