Shifting Patterns of Awareness in the Human Being
There are quantum shifts in awareness, (the alert state of our life force process) that we already possess. For example if the body is injured, awareness jumps to the body, and we often become non-thinking, only physically reactive. In effect, our life force become pain, pain, pain! The opposite occurs in orgasm, awareness floods to the physical, again becoming non-thinking. The mind can also demand the full portion of awareness; for example, a pleasurable task or even an engrossing movie can make us unaware of the body. We can forget to eat or even sleep. The suffering of mental illness is fed by the grasping of the mind to itself like an octopus in distress, unable to release its hold on awareness. The subconscious mind is an inner or more subtle mind than the ordinary mind that also has pleasure and pain desires, which drags primary awareness (life force) to its needs. An example of this is the sleep and dream state. There are even more inner minds and more development needed. T...