Gods are Real, Rich vs Poor and other Buddhist musings....
Another type of equanimity is deliberately developed in Buddhist training: the dissolution of distinctions held between others and ourselves or between others and still others. The basic premise: all living beings seek happiness and avoid suffering. To gain this important realization for yourself, remove the distinctions between the wealthy and the poor (in your estimation), or those who live in first world countries and those living in third world countries. Remove the perceptual barriers between the value you place on those who lived ten thousand years ago, those who will live ten thousand years in the future, and those who alive in the world right now. Further, disregard whether a person is a man or women, a doctor or patient, or younger or older than yourself. Do not determine the value of another based on whether they are Tibetan, Chinese or American. All differences are outside of the baseline that is common to all who enter into the human realm. This is dharma! ~ Domo Ge...