
Showing posts from December 9, 2012

Losing Self-Pity and other Buddhist sharing.....

Once you've been looking after the needs of others for some time, caring for others using skillful compassion, you will definitely become more sensitive, tender and gentle. This might be a new feeling for you; it means that you’ve lost sel f-pity. After doing strong Mahayana practices, don’t regress to looking at yourself again because you’re going to cause yourself more pain than the self-cherishing that you had before! Now you’re not constructed to endure self-pity, and it hurts very badly when you do it. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Sobald du dich einige Zeit um die Bedürfnisse Anderer gekümmert und sie mit gekonntem Mitgefühl umsorgt hast, wirst du ganz bestimmt sensibler, zarter und sanfter werden. Dies könnte ein neues Gefühl für dich sein; es bedeutet, dass du dein Selbstmitleid verloren hast. Nachdem du dich in starken Mahayanapraktiken geübt hast, solltest du dich nicht wieder zurückentwickeln und dich selbst betrachten, denn du wirst dir dadurch mehr Schmerzen zuf...

Buddhism....but not slavishly so...

The innate confused and unenlightened view that perceives what is impermanent to be permanent, also induces the experience of otherness. With effort, serious meditators can cause themselves to feel authentic oneness, where there is no dist inction between themselves and others. However, in a skillful step-by-step process of preparation for awakening, this feeling should not arrive prematurely. The great lesson of how to get along with others can become muddled by dogmatically pushing to see how we are all the same. Other versions: we come all from one consciousness, or everyone is me and I am everyone. To parrot these oneness philosophies, (common spiritual discussion ideas) without actually healing or correcting behaviors will not affect our personal truth place. In other words, although we may have abundant problems to repair in our relationships with others, instead many overlook the harm that we have caused others by affirming that there actually was no problem because we are...