Getting Feeling Back, and other Buddhist musings....
What a beautiful sunny day! So many of us live in colder climes and now have a greater awareness about our lack of vitamin D during the winter months, isn't that so? I now feel concerned that I’m not going to get enough vitamin D because there’s not enough daylight hours but I've also lost an important relationship with the sun, and replaced it as a source of nutrient vitamin D. In a way, that ’s sad, because I kind of liked the other relationship better. It flipped from being the source of light and joy, a symbol of lightness of being, (our kind of traditional relationship with the sun), to this instigator of vitamin D. In some ways, perhaps we have also lost confidence in our relationship with the five senses while studying the intricacies of the mind in Buddhism. We are told that trusting the senses may not be the most beneficial way to understand reality. Although certainly a relationship remains, we are told that there’s something else that we should really want. So, ...