Thought for Saturday on individuality (read in Eng,Sp,Fre,Ger,Ital)
"A basic feature of the innate view, a kind of hypnotic programming, causes us to believe that we are distinct from others and is either a problem or a good thing. It gives rise to a sense of individuality, which does not exist in higher functioning ways of being. Unless there is mental dysfunction, it is not possible to believe that while eating, we do not know whether we are putting the food in our own mouth or in the mouth of the person next to us, isn't that so? A healthy person knows they have a body and a mind separate from others. Well, not always, because sometimes people can understand unspoken intentions, so mental functions are a little leaky to hold complete privacy. However, regarding bodies and our mind-body, we are not so leaky. We understand very well about "me" and "other." The problem is overcoming basic selfishness, which runs like a dye through white cloth, coloring our thinking regarding who is the most important person in this world. M...