
Showing posts from January 10, 2010

The Perceptions of Someone in a Coma

"Someone who is alive, but without outer perceptions, for example, in a coma, still maintains a perceptual link to this world. This is by means of their individual consciousness and interacting with not only their memories but possibly an interaction with the energy of this world that continues to feed their perceptions. This latter method produces a kind of dreamy aliveness that mixes ideas, memories, energetic aliveness of others and the world to interact, but not in such an alert way. When that perceptual web or dynamic is gone and the supporting physical structures such as brain functions and heart functions cannot sustain it, that person is said to die. In Buddhism, however, we take a larger view of the human life process, but not from the exclusive point of view of the physical being" ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Menschen die lebendig aber ohne äussere Wahrnehmung sind, wie z.B. Komapatienten, erhalten trotzem eine wahrnehmende Verbindung zu dieser Welt aufrecht. D...

Making a Rainbow Body

"At the end of life, it is important for a Buddhist who usually sits on their cushion to begin another kind of meditation. The inner mind that is the transmigrator, begins a process of withdrawing the life force from the individual that is redistilled in a technically sophisticated but natural manner back into it's original source, which is still an individual. In cultivated end of life Buddhist practices, this process needs to happen in an extremely quiet and energetically supportive environment so the entire life force goes back carefully. There are well documented cases where the end of life meditation done by great meditators might even result in the physical shrinkage of the physical body and in some cases, even the disappearance of the body. This is what is called the Rainbow Body dissolution" ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ‎ "Am Lebensende ist es für Buddhisten, die normalerweise auf ihrem Kissen sitzen, wichtig, mit einer anderen Art von...

Do You Really Know What You Believe?

It requires effort to become capable of discovering what you really believe in your current worldview both intellectually and energetically. This is part of the work that classic Indian, and later Tibetan Buddhism, calls uncovering your view. In deeper levels of meditation, new inner methods open to uncover your personal view, then trains the mind to perceive reality so that reality can change your view. This is the actual change. However, there are many transitional stages before reality can even be presented. There will be many valid transitional stages needed to achieve and experience before that event to remain balanced and in the correct trajectory. That is why correct meditation is a process rather than just a beginning point and a goal. That is why it is called a path ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Se requiere un esfuerzo para ser capaces de descubrir lo que realmente crees en tu visión del mundo actual tanto intelectual como energía. Esto es parte de la labor que la India clás...

Five Distinct Types of Prayer

" In order to understand prayer and be able to pray more effectively, let us look at five different methods or kinds of prayer. Number one: We pray for ourselves and our own needs to be met. Number two: We pray for individual others interceding to higher power on their behalf. Number three is altruistic prayer for all living beings. Number four: Prayer for our enemies to stop harming others and to find peace. The last is sincere prayer for spiritual development or evolution. These are five very distinct kinds of prayer but often, our inner feelings and understanding could mix together to sabotage our sincere efforts. For example we might set out to pray for all living beings, but end up praying for ourselves. We want to pray for our enemies, but sometimes we pray for our enemies as kind of an anti-prayer. We pray for bad things to happen to our enemies and only good things to happen to our friends" ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Fünf völlig verschiedene Arten des Gebets ...

Why Do Meditators Crave Solitude?

"The meditators mind struggles against an innate inner need to orient and stabilize perceptions within the context of their changing internal environment produced by correct meditation. Interactions with others can become painful when they become overwhelmed by poorly constructed strategies of others.  This also includes the pressing in of others innate view and using the meditator as part of their environment. The meditator then becomes a base for orientation of others and receives the awareness of others. A traditional remedy has been to seek solitude as the meditator reaches certain changes and plateaus of transformation at critical  times when sensitivities can become raw and over-stimulated by others. However, beyond that place is a stabilization of energies that will return to a more normal configuration, unless the meditator becomes fascinated with sensitivities, equates them with spiritual development and becomes uncomfortably stuck. The loss of plain perception, its ...

Thought for Monday (+ Spanish, French, German, Italian) retranslations welcome

"All living beings, in their individual form, have cared for us and because we were not perfect, we repaid their kindness with harm. Instead of being kind to others, in our confusion, we have actually produced more harm. If we contemplate how we may have disappointed others, even making our mother cry, we can try to remember that our mother is our most intimate and important connection in this world, and yet even that one we are so intimately connected to, we have made unhappy. The debt we owe our precious mothers of our previous lives has not diminished, but in fact has increased by unskillful use of deep responsibility of cultivating loving compassion. Not only do we have a debt, but they continue to suffer while we are off exploring and have easy lives that are based upon the careful care that they have given us" ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Todos los seres vivos, en su forma individual, se han preocupado por nosotros y porque no eran perfectas, tenemos pagado su bondad...

Thought for Sunday (+ Spanish, French, German, Italian) retranslations welcome

"Bodhisattva perception of healthy contact with others is like a dream. Because it is dreamlike in its actual form in comparison to higher reality, Bodhisattvas cultivate the correct view of others as dear without fear. For ordinary practitioners, at the level of being which is here to learn and be healed in order to become transformed, we must have genuine relationships with others that is not based on buying and selling of favors such as mutual immature love. Without fear from our side, others do not even have to be nice people for us to have this healthy contact. They are dear because they are experiencing suffering that are the consequences of actions which they have performed or are performing, and they are dear to us because they are hurting themselves unnecessarily" ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "La percepción Bodhisattva de contacto saludable con los demás es como un sueño. Debido a que es un sueño en su forma actual en comparación con la realidad superior, Bodhisattv...