Gay and Lesbian Buddhists
In my just previous life I had gay and lesbian students of Buddhism. I also do have many homosexual students in this lifetime. I believe that a committed and careful lifestyle is important in relationships, no matter what the gender identity. Otherwise uncontrolled desire will cause suffering, loss of partners and eventual lack of trust with others. My view might be in the minority as there are very old scriptural references that might make anything other than male/female relationships wrong. However, the Buddha has said to accommodate culture to disseminate the dharma and this is an important cultural change. So, if a gay or lesbian person is practicing meditation correctly... good! Otherwise - they will experience the same suffering as other people. I do not give them a special higher or lower status. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "In meinem vorherigen Leben hatte ich schwule und lesbische Buddhismusschüler. Auch in diesem Leben habe ich viele homosexuelle Schü...