Our Confusion is a Rich Source of Meditation Material
A fried egg is to butter as anger is to irritation The great dharma advice found in the seven point mind training suggests that we apply to our meditation whatever we might happen to meet. The problem is that wherever we go, whatever we are doing has already become the source of our confusion, to which self-cherishing has added the final drop of alcohol, making us crazy enough to do wrong things willingly. Turning this around, our own confusion is used as rich examples to direct our meditation toward understanding impermanence, suffering, karma and more. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~ "Die großen Dharmaratschläge, die man in der Geistesschulung in Sieben Punkten findet, besagen, dass wir unsere Meditiation zur Anwendung bringen, egal was passiert. Das Problem ist, dass egal wo wir sind und was wir tun dies bereits die Quelle unserer Verwirrung darstellt, zu der die Egozentrik den letzten Tropfen Alkohol hinzugefügt hat, was uns verrückt genug macht, aus freien Stücken ...