Endurance: The Final Frontier
What are humans made of? ..... the track the bird leaves in the sky, the reflection of the moon in still water, the sound of a bell after it has ended.... that is what humans are made of.. ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~ "Woraus sind Menschen gemacht?.... aus der Spur, die der Vogel am Himmel zurück lässt, dem Spiegelbild des Mondes im stillen Wasser, dem Klang der Glocke nach dem Verklingen..... daraus sind Menschen gemacht." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche --- Our pets love to be around the juicy meditation energies but they are also unpredictable. They can jump up, bark or meow at any time, and if that should occur while we are in a delicate place, they could cause an energy accident. They can sit on us any old time but it is not a good idea during serious meditation. ( I am pretty sure that many will object to this idea, but it is well considered and presented to you with trepidation.) ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~ "Unsere Haustiere lieben es, bei den reizvollen Energien der Medit...