
Showing posts from December 5, 2010

Different Kinds of Bodhisattvas?

It might seem that all bodhisattvas are the same, but they are quite different from each other with unique personalities. However, in general, there are two main categories of bodhisattvas. Learner bodhisattvas are those who, though enlightened by human standards, still have not yet entered perfection. They are actively clarifying wha t prevents total Buddhahood under the training in the six perfections. Emanation bodhisattvas are more rare in human form, but abundant in more subtle forms; they are the working forms of various levels of buddhas that remain in a more vast form. These extraordinary bodhisattvas actively work in projects benefiting living beings in accordance with a vast plan. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Man könnte meinen, dass alle Bodhisattvas gleich seien, aber sie sind sehr verschieden voneinander, einzigartige Persönlichkeiten. Es gibt jedoch allgemein gesagt zwei Hauptkategorien von Bodhisattvas. Lernerbodhisattvas sind jene, die noch nicht in die ...

Getting Better Karma Like A God!

Lacking a destructive nature, a human being will be reborn into better circumstances and take on characteristics of higher being such as a god realm being. Many people have much more comfort and opportunities in the West than most living in deprivation and manifest suffering in third world countries. When we see real suffering in othe rs, regardless of where they may live, we might think, “Why is it that my life is so comfortable? Why do I have such an easy life, given to me like a gift, while others are suffering so greatly? My karma from previous lives must have some thing to do with being born where I personally have not experienced great deprivation.” Instead of feeling lucky, a compassionate, empathetic person might then feel guilty for having received this life of comfort and ease while others are deprived. This process causes a suitable basis for correct compassion practice. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Manquant d'une nature destructive, un être humain ren...

Hard to Sit in Lotus Position for Meditation?

Buddhas of Light Your sweetness will be retained at the time of your enlightenment.... ~DGR ~~~ we train ourselves in meditation to visualize the Buddhas and deities as translucent, not solid. This is the sambhogakaya realm Wir üben uns in Meditation, um die Buddhas und Gottheiten als durchscheinend und nicht als fest zu visualisieren. Dies ist der Sambhogkayabereich. Sitting in lotus or half lotus posture is easy, comfortable and natural for Eastern people raised to sit that way from childhood. The bones adapt. Western people are trained to sit in chairs. Their bones form that way, eventually. Chair sitting is painful for those raised to sit crosslegged. Why has lotus meditation posture become a kind of pain therapy for Western meditators? Hmmm? Sit comfortably, but not so much so that you fall asleep easily! ~ Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Für Menschen aus dem Osten, die von Kindheit an dazu erzogen wurden, ist es einfach, komfortabel und natürlich im Lotussitz oder Halblotussit...

Do You Have A Dharma Name?

Receiving and identifying with a dharma name isn’t just having a nickname or some exotic name. It connects you in a new way to your Buddhist practice. When you use your blessed dharma name given by your teacher, it is good to become accustomed to it. It is connected to a new kind of karma activated in you that is connected to the Path to Buddhahood. When others calls you by your dharma name, it automatically arises a practitioner mentality, activating an entirely different aspect of yourself. By using it regularly, you will feel a fresh spiritual identity. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ Recevoir et s'identifier à un nom du Dharma n'est pas juste obtenir un surnom ou un nom exotique. Il vous connecte d'une nouvelle manière à votre pratique bouddhiste. Quand vous utilisez votre nom béni du Dharma donné par votre enseignant, il est bon de s'y habituer. Il est connecté à une nouvelle sorte de karma activé en vous, qui est connecté au cheminement vers la bouddhéité. Quand d'au...

The Real You Inside

Your highest level of spiritual development is your actual being. Wherever your actual being is located, that is where inner guru and your actual being are meditating. That is why it is so important to get your actual being back into its balanced place, a quantum vibrational shift from the density and stress of human activity. Highe r meditation cannot be done on the dense side. Those who force their actual being inappropriately to the outside usually have a kind of nervous disposition and do not make good meditators. When high-level blessings arrive, (which is the only catalyst for awakening), they are not in a configuration to actually meditate. They are all on the outside. Modern society encourages this, and it is not beneficial. If your highest personal development being is outside, (a diminished form), rather than in its balanced place, it will cause you to feel nervous and shaky in ordinary life. You need your actual being inside, on its own level, breathing its ...

Spiritual Prayflags: new short video

One of the prayer flags outside my window at the Hermitage became a cradle for newly fallen snow this morning. It seemed to be holding prayers for all sentient beings, waiting for the perfect wind to send them on their way.

How Many Ways Can You Become Enlightened?

There are 800 different complete entries into the enlightened state, but the easiest method is developing pure bodhichitta. The practice of many types of entries may cause practitioners to become sidetracked into the siddhas, or worldly power practices. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Es gibt 800 verschieden e Weisen, um vollständig in den erleuchteten Zustand einzugehen, aber die einfachste Methode ist die Entwicklung reinen Bodhichittas. Das Üben vielfältiger Arten von Übergängen kann bei den Übenden dazu führen, dass sie von den Siddhas, den Praktiken weltlicher Macht, abgelenkt werden." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---

Feeling Good, Happiness and the Spiritual Path

E veryone wants to feel good. Perhaps you feel dissatisfied, experience unhappiness or the loss of your happiness, want to change, and therefore you take steps to feel good. This seeking is preliminary to finding a suitable path to follow. Your desire to feel good, or, conversely, your desire to stop feeling bad, might lead you into looking, reading, doing, trying to find your happiness. It is like laying in an unfamiliar bed where you just cannot get comfortable. Shifting to get comfy, you might feel satisfied for only a short time, and you have to shift again. Like this, spiritual seekers are in turmoil, eventually discovering that although they are thinking about spirituality, they have still not found their happiness they were seeking. Often they will leave a spiritual path because they have not found happiness. Instead, by persevering, they might discover that what they really want is to find a place where they can do inner work toward a greater value: enligh...

Helping Dear Ones Who are Suffering

If someone dear to you suffers with nightmares or is hurting them self, would you do something to help? This is why the enlightened bodhisattvas come to the human realm; they see the suffering and wish to help. They are not here to train us to become better religious ritualists, but to become healthy enough to lift our eyes to the awakening, the only solution to suffering. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Würdest Du, wenn jemand den Du liebhast an Alpträumen leidet oder sich selbst verletzt, etwas unternehmen, um ihm zu helfen? Dies ist der Grund warum erleuchtete Bodhisattvas in den menschlichen Bereich kommen; sie sehen das Leid und möchten helfen. Sie sind nicht hier, um uns zu besseren religiösen Ritualisten zu machen, sondern damit wir gesund genug werden, um unsere Augen zum Erwachen zu erheben, dem einzigen Mittel gegen das Leiden." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---

How to Use 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva

The 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva is not a recitation like a sadhana, but is training in values. The "practice" is to develop the values and inner standards of a Bodhisattva. They are meant to be recalled in the midst of difficulties and in daily life to change our character. They mold us into kinder, wiser, and more p l easant people, perhaps in short supply these days! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~ "Die 37 Übungen der Bodhisattvas sind keine Rezitation wie ein Sadhana, sondern Training in bestimmten Werten. Die 'Praxis' besteht daraus die Werte und inneren Standards eines Bodhisattvas zu entwickeln. Man soll sich mitten in Schwierigkeiten und im alltäglichen Leben an sie erinnern, was unseren Charakter verändert. Sie formen uns zu gütigeren, weiseren und angenehmeren Menschen, von denen es vielleicht heutzutage nicht genug gibt." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---

Stanley and Livingston are Buddhist Inspiration!

I heard of Dr. Livingston, and the man who went to find him in Africa. Mr. Stanley wandered around the African backwoods, looking for Dr. Livingston. He is determined to find him, because Dr. Livingston is lost (at least Mr. Stanley believes he is), and is searching everywhere. He finally comes upon the person he already knows to be Dr. Livingston and said, something very British like, “Dr. Livingston, I presume?” Mr. Stanley had determination, overcoming leaches, thorns, and the frightening sounds of tigers, and lions because he knew that it was important. Never giving up, he maintained steady enthusiasm for the task. He probably even rehearsed, day after day, just what he was going to say to Dr. Livingston. Like that, cool and collected, he did not give in to hysteria. Like that, we need strong determination to transform ourselves, and strong determination to find a path that lets us work toward awakening. Buddhism is oriented toward these goals. Not just Buddhism in general, but min...